Catching Bugs and Flowers - Villager x Reader

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Villager went running down the halls as fast as ever, with a net in hand. He passed by a few fighters, making them have an accident and curse lightly at him. Villager didn't even care, all he cared about was going on a bug hunt with you. You both planned this out for when you had a day off of fighting. Since today was that day, Villager thought it would be a good time to do it now.

He passed by your bedroom door, but stopped himself. He walked back towards it and knocked on your door, hearing a groan from the other side. He pouted, knowing that you were still asleep and it was only 10 in the morning. He opened your door and walked in without you noticing. You had your back turned to him, making him place his hands on his hips and give you a glare.

He placed his net down on the floor and jumped up onto your bed quietly. Then he placed his whole body onto yours, making you squirm. "Nooo... Five more minutes..." Villager glared at you again and poked your face. You opened your eyes, only to be met with big black ones. You almost jumped but soon realized it was Villager. You smiled and poked his cheek. "Hey Villager..." You groggily greeted.

Villager smiled and waved a little. He got off of you and your bed and picked up his net. He showed it to you, so you could remember. You inspected it then your eyes widened. "Oh my Gosh! I can't believe I forgot about that! I'm so sorry!" You got up from your bed and hurriedly put on some clean clothes, while Villager crouched in the corner with his hands covering his eyes, not daring to peek.

After you got ready and got your trusty net, you both headed outside to the garden. Already you could see all the beetles, butterflies, and bugs crawl or fly around. You smiled and looked at Villager, him giving you a smile back. "Ready to catch some bugs?" He nodded with a confident look on his face.

You nodded, picked up your net and started to walk towards the little critters. "C'mon! Lets get catching!"

After about an hour, you both got done with your hunting and you sat on a bench. Villager wasn't that done yet. He was actually picking a perfect flower for you to have. He blushed at the way it sparkled, him thinking of it to represent you. He placed it in his pocket and ran towards you with a smile.

You smiled back at him. "So, how many did you catch?" Villager searched inside his pocket, showing you all the rare bugs he got, not even surprising you. He was a professional bug catcher so of course he got a bunch of rare bugs. You giggled. "You're always great at catching things, Villager." You said while smiling, making Villager blush a little.

You showed him your catchings, which were just regular bugs and a few rare bugs. He clapped at your findings, making you smile at him. Then Villager blushed because he remembered he wanted to give you a flower. He searched through his pocket to find a [F/C] flower for you. He held it up to show you, with a blush forming on his face.

You gasped lightly and looked at its beauty. "I-Is that for me?" You asked, a bit of a blush forming. He nodded in response and you grabbed it from his hand, looking at it. You smiled happily and put the flower in your hair. As soon as you got done, you smiled and picked him up to put him on your lap, causing him to blush deeply. "Thanks Villager. That's so sweet of you." You kissed him on the both of his cheeks, his eyes widening and his blush getting darker.

He looked away from embarrassment, while you giggled at his cuteness. You hugged him close to your form, him hugging back. "I'll be by your side no matter what..." You whispered to him. He smiled and nodded. He thought the same to you too, but he kept it as a promise in his mind. He'll always be with you, no matter the cost.

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