The Princess, Fighter, and Boxer Part 2 - Rosalina x Little Mac x Reader

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You kept trying to get out of Rosalina's grip, but to no avail. She was still in a rage mode, continuing to drag you to the arena without a word. (Except for some mumbles of Little Mac liking another girl other than her.) Mac just followed behind, sweat dropping from the scene. You kept yelling and pleading her to let you go but it was no use.

You stopped in defeat and relaxed your body, not even caring anymore. You looked back at Mac with a bit of a sad gaze, him still sweat dropping and having a bit of a worried look on his face. 'Gosh I hope [Y/N] doesn't get hurt... What should I do?' He soon stopped on the side lines once he saw the arena. Rosalina walked to the middle and finally dropped you on the ground with a thud, causing you to make an "Oomph!" sound.

"H-Hey! Easy..."

"I will not [Y/N]... Not after you pay for what you've done..."

You heart stopped at how deadly her voice was and that you've never seen this side of her before. She got into her fighting stance and waited for you to get in position patiently. You stood up with a groan and groggily made it to your stance, Mac eying you the whole time. His heart thumped against his chest, wondering just what the hell will happen. He was quite terrified, and he just couldn't believe that this was happening on the day he's confessed to you.

Once the Announcer announced the beginning of the battle, Rosalina wasted no time to summon Luma and attack you at full speed, catching you quite off guard but quickly dodge her attacks here and there.

After a while, things weren't going so well. You've been K.O.ed about 4 times now, Mac always wincing at all the damage you've been taking. You haven't even K.O.ed her once, and this was really getting you pissed a bit. Then a Smash Ball decided to appear, making you loose all hope but slightly get some confidence in you.

You quickly jumped up and hit the Smash Ball a few times. Then just as you were about to give it one more hit, Rosalina beat you to it and got the last hit, making her aura dark and her eyes yellow. Your heart stopped yet again, and you became terrified. She used her Final Smash, you getting hit by the few stars that shot out of the big one.

Little Mac watched in worry, getting a bit scared about the last part of the Smash. Just as the star was about to blow up, you tried blocking the last hit, hoping to God that nothing would happen. Then right after the big explosion happened, you expected a big blow to hit you but all that you felt around you were a pair of muscular arms around your form.

You opened your eyes and looked up to see Little Mac holding you close to his form, his expression seeming as though he had just taken a bunch of damage. "M-Mac...." He looked down at you, a small smile appearing on his face. "[Y/N].... I'm glad that you didn't get hurt by that." Your heart skipped a beat but you were way more worried on the damage he had taken from that explosion.

Rosalina looked at the scene before her, and she now felt pain inside of her. She couldn't believe what she was doing, after all of this. She had caused Mac to get hurt and she regretted herself for taking advantage on you. Mac slowly stood back up, still holding you close to him. You couldn't help but slightly pry from his grip and wrapped your arms around him, holding him a bit since he was slouched and in pain.

He groaned slightly in pain and winced, you carrying him just a bit. Rosalina quickly walked up to you two, her eyes filled with sorrow. "[Y/N]... I-I'm so sorry... I don't know what came over me. I-I shouldn't have been like that... How stupid of me for being such a fool. A-And Mac... I-I'm so sorry for you as well... I just sh-"


She looked at you with sadness, but that soon replaced with shock with the small smile that appeared on your lips. "It's okay... I forgive you. I know you may have been pretty pissed at the news of Mac and I... liking each other and don't worry, I know the feeling. And I'm sure Mac forgives you too, right Mac?"

He slowly looked up at Rosalina, nodding slowly. "Y-Yeah... I forgive you. I may have taken some damage from that explosion but... nothing a little bandages can fix right?" He chuckled slightly but soon winced from the pain. Rosalina's face blushed a bit and she looked down. "S-So you forgive me? You won't... hate me will you?"

You giggled lightly and shook your head. "Of course not. You're my friend Rosy, and I can't loose a friend like you." She looked at you, and smiled softly, her heart thumping against her chest. "Th-Thank you [Y/N]... Mac." You both nodded. "Now, can we all make up and have a group hug?" She giggled at your request and nodded, coming up to you and Mac and giving you both a big hug. You returned the hug, as well as Mac, smiles on all your faces.

As soon as she pulled away, she looked at you two and smiled. "You know I have to admit, you two actually make a cute couple..." She giggled softly which made you and Mac blush a tiny bit. "Th-Thanks Rosy..." You cleared your throat and looked away, making her giggled again and for Mac to chuckle softly. "Aw c'mon babe, don't get shy." Your blush deepened at the new name he had given you.

You cleared your throat once again and turned to Rosalina. "Well... I better get this wimp here all patched up from all the damage..."

"Hey! Who you calling a wi- O-Ow..." You giggled once he winced again from the pain. She nodded, her heart dropping slightly from the way she hurt him but at least he forgave her. "Alright. So... will we all hang out tomorrow?" She asked you. You nodded with a big smile on your face. "Of course! Just like always." She jumped up with a bit of glee, happy once again. "Well, I'll see you two tomorrow then."

She soon walked away, waving at you both until she headed back into the mansion. You both waved back and soon you carried Mac by the shoulder towards his room, him limping slightly the whole way there. "You know, you didn't have to protect me back there Mac..." He scoffed lightly. "I wanted to... I didn't want to see you hurt out there [Y/N]." You blushed lightly at his statement and cleared your throat again.

"Th-Thanks Mac..." He smiled softly and planted a soft kiss on your cheek. "Anything for you my little boxerette..." You giggled at your new nickname and continued to walk him to his room. "C'mon my little boxer, lets get you patched up."

-Extended Ending-

As soon as you got done patching up his wounds, you planted soft kisses on each bandage. He smiled at your little kisses and once you got them all, you planted a soft kiss on his lips, him immediately kissing back. He then picked you up and plastered you on his bed, going on top of you for you to not escape.

You blushed at this new position and looked into his green eyes. "H-Hey... You might hurt your wounds..." He kissed you on the lips to shut you up and once he pulled away, he whispered, "They won't be fully healed until I get one more treatment.~" You blushed darker at his tone but soon got into the mood once he kissed you passionately on the lips again.

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