Approve Of Me Now? - Dark Pit x Reader x Brotherly!Robin

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Today was a very special day for the Smash Mansion. They all got a week vacation since Master Hand had to take care of business and fix up the mansion a bit. So everyone was sent to a vacant place to stay at. Where? Well, a tropical island of course! It had everything! It had a hotel, rooms for every single fighter, shops and even a beach!

It was heaven for everyone and everyone was enjoying themselves. They all decided to head to the beach today and have a nice, fun time to swim around or make sand castles. A few of the female fighters were sun bathing, or having fun in the ocean. The males goofed around in the water or sun bathed with the females. The kids made cute sand castles, but a few of the Koopalings wrecked them which turned into fights or arguments between the kids.

And you?

Well, you happened to be swimming around, goofing off with the guys in the water. You did happen to have a few accidents, but that didn't stop Robin from coming in and saving your butt. He was very protective over you, and didn't want to see you get hurt.

"Are you okay, [Y/N]?" He asked for the millionth time after he carried you out of the water... AGAIN. You gave him a pout and sat up from your position, crossing your arms. "I'm fine Robin, don't worry! I won't drown or anything, it was just a slip!" That didn't make Robin think it was fine. He gave you a small glare and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"[Y/N], all I'm trying to do is help you. I don't want you to get hurt... alright?" He said with a bit of sympathy in his eyes. You sighed in a bit of defeat and nodded with a small smile. You gave him a hug in which he returned with a smile. "Don't worry Robin, I'll be fine. Promise!" You said while pulling away and placing your right hand over your heart.

Robin chuckled and nodded, standing back up while you did the same. "Alright. Now do you want a drink? I'm about to head to the bar and get something." You smiled brightly and nodded with sparkles in your eyes. "Sure~! Can you get me a [favorite beverage], please?" He nodded with a grin and patted your head before heading his way there. "Don't cause trouble!" He shouted out, making you roll your eyes and swat him away.

He chuckled again and continued to make his way there. On the way, he caught his eyes on Dark Pit. He knew that you two were dating and he didn't like it at all. He saw Dark Pit as the "bad boy" type and he didn't like those type of guys. He swore that he'd never approve of Dark Pit until he does something good. Dark Pit saw Robin and gave him a glare and a scoff, Robin returning the gesture.

They looked away from each other with a scoff and made their ways to where they were going.

You happened to happily go back into the water and goof around with the boys some more. Dark Pit came back and saw you having fun. He couldn't help but smile at how cute you seemed. It made his heart sore that you were with him.

Suddenly, a big wave started to form right behind you. The guys noticed quickly and hurriedly went back to shore with you looking at them confused. "Guys?" You asked, looking at them confusingly.

"[Y/N]! Watch out!!!"

Princess Peach called to you. Your eyes widened once you turned around and saw a huge wave coming towards you. You screamed and tried to get away but failed, and ended up going underneath the wave roughly, making you go unconscious and drown.

Both Dark Pit and Robin heard your scream. "[Y/N]!" Dark Pit shouted and quickly made his way into the ocean, some of the fighters trying to stop him but it was too late. He dove underneath the water and quickly swam to get you.

Robin quickly ran to what was happening, his heart thumping in fear. "What happened?! Where's [Y/N]?!" He asked Lucina desperately, hoping you were alright. She looked at him worried and replied, "A-A huge wave just... suddenly came out of no where and she was right underneath it! We tried to call to her but it was too late and-"

"I'm going after her..." Robin said and was about to run towards the water until Lucina stopped him. "Wait, Robin! Dark Pit has already gone down to get her!" His eyes widened at the mention of his name, thinking why would Dark Pit do that? Wasn't he bad? He couldn't even believe it.

Dark Pit desperately tried to look for you, hoping you were around here somewhere! He suddenly caught his eyes on your unconscious form, making his eyes widen and quickly swim over to you. He got you into his arms and quickly made his way back up over the water, gasping for air.

"Look! There they are!" Caption Falcon pointed out, making everyone huddle up and gasp, hoping you were alright.

Dark Pit quickly swam his way up to shore and walked towards them.

"Stay back! Move! She needs air!"

They did as they were told and spread about for you both to have space. Robin quickly made his way to the front and watched in worry. 'Please let her be alright...'

Dark Pit tried listening for any breathing from you. When he didn't, he quickly performed CPR on you, making a few of the kids have disgusted faces and turn away from the icky scene. Everyone else watched in worry as Dark Pit continued with CPR.

After a while, you had finally woken up and coughed up a bit of water, making everyone sigh relieved that you were alright.

"[Y/N]!" Dark Pit said in relief and held you closely. "P-Pitoo...?" You looked up to see Dark Pit with a smile on his face, happy to see you alright.

"I was so worried! I thought you wouldn't make it!" He said and kissed your cheeks and forehead, making you blush lightly.

Robin quickly made his way towards you both and looked at you in relief. "Oh [Y/N]! I'm so glad you're alright! I was worried sick!" He caressed your cheek with a smile, but soon looked at Dark Pit with a small glare. Dark Pit just gave him a blank stare, not really wanting to say anything mean to him.

Dark Pit cleared his throat slightly and sighed a bit.

"Do you approve of me now, Robin?" He asked, since he's actually done something "good" for you, which was saving your life!

Robin was about to protest until nothing came out of his mouth. He sighed in defeat and looked away. "Yes Dark Pit, I approve of you now..." You couldn't help but smile and sit up before hugging Robin tightly, making him jolt but he hugged back.

Dark Pit smirked while the others shared a few laughs and smiles, happy everything worked out. Once you and Robin pulled away, Robin gave Dark Pit a glare again and said, "Just don't think I'll be extra nice to you from now on!" Dark Pit laughed and swatted his hand at him. "I don't need any of that from you! I just want it from [Y/N]~." He said while rubbing both your noses together, making you blush and giggle.

Robin let out an, "Ugh..." and looked away from you two. He hated having to approve of Dark Pit now, but he was happy that you were happy and safe.

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