Sickness - Human!Charizard x Reader

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You coughed once again, groaning in disapproval from the way you got sick. You didn't even know how you got sick, it just came to you. You felt pretty upset, since you wouldn't be able to go out for a while and not fight with the others. The good news was that some of the fighters took care of you. Peach gave you soup, Mario gave you medicine (Dr. Mario reference...) and the Pokemon would cuddle you in your sleep, except Greninja.

But the only one who cared for you the most was Charizard. A bit of a miracle happened with him though. One day he messed around with one of Toon Link's wands that he accidentally turned it on and cast a spell on himself. What happened, was that Charizard turned human. He still had some of his features like his ears, fiery tail, blue eyes and some orange hair. You thought he looked really cute and played around with him, which always irritated him.

No one could every figure out how to turn him back to his Pokemon state, so they had to come up with something, until then, he's stuck with being a human. He didn't like it as much, but now he does since it was something to get to spend time with you and finally be able to talk to you. He was only happy for that.

After a few minutes of coughing and sneezing, you heard a faint knock on the door. "Come *cough* in..." The person stepped in and it happened to be Charizard. You smiled and gave him a small wave, which he returned. He closed the door behind him and sat on your bed, feeling your forehead to feel your temperature. You blushed lightly even though you were already blushing from the cold.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, putting his hand back on his lap. You squirmed under your covers and shrugged. "A bit... better. Thanks to the guys who gave me what I needed. You too." Charizard smiled and blushed lightly, nodding. "I'm glad. Link was about to come and change your towel but I wanted myself to do it. So I'm here to do that." He smiled again and that just made your heart melt.

Charizard was always so nice to you, even when he was a Pokemon. He got up and walked over to the bowl of water. He grabbed the extra towel and folded it. Damping it in the water so it could get soaked, he squeezed it to get all the water out and walked towards you again. He gently placed the towel on your forehead, making you feel just a bit relieved.

"Thanks Charizard..." You smiled and held his hand gently, hoping he wouldn't flinched. He didn't, he held your hand as well, giving it a small squeeze. "Hey, I'll be here for you if you need it [Y/N]." He then gently placed a small kiss on your cheek, making your cheeks grow crimson. "W-Won't you become sick?" He chuckled and caressed your cheek. "It's alright. I don't mind." Your heart skipped and beat and you smiled, happy to have him by your side.

"Do you mind if I can sleep with you?" He asked with a blush appearing on his face. You smiled sweetly at him and nodded. "Sure, just be sure to not have your tail set the sheets on fire." You giggled and he rolled his eyes, mumbling a small "Whatever." He climbed next to you and wrapped his protective arms around you, you snuggling into his warm embrace. He tucked your head under his chin and closed his eyes.

You went into thought for a while and wanted to ask him something. "Ch-Charizard?" "Hmmm?" He raised an eyebrow, wondering what it was you wanted. "When they figure out how to turn you back into a Pokemon, what are you going to do?" Charizard went into thought about that and answered, "Well, I'm going to beg them to not turn me back because I want to always stay like this with you forever." Your heart skipped a beat and your face turned beat red again.

You cuddled into him more and sighed happily. "That would be nice... Thanks Charizard." He chuckled and planted another kiss on your head. "Anything to stay with you [Y/N]..." After a few minutes, sleep took over you two with Charizard embracing you and you snuggled up into his hug with a smile on both of your faces.

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