A "Simple" Accident - Little Mac x Reader

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You sighed deeply, bored and not knowing what to do. Like any other day, you just roamed the halls of Super Smash Bros. Mansion, waving and talking to a few fighters. You have seen the newcomers that came in. You had a bit of a crush on one of them. You get so mesmerized by Little Mac's moves that you never pay attention to yourself.

Whenever he fought, you always stared at him and only him. One time you got caught staring until someone tapped your shoulder or bumped into you. You got so embarrassed and stayed in your room all day. You and Little Mac are close friends though. You two liked the same things and sometimes you two would practice punches which were always so much fun.

You daydreamed about him again while walking, until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You sighed a bit and turned around, grinning at the person that got your attention.

"Hey Doc. What's up?" Doc waved at you a bit and then scratched the back of his neck a bit. "Well, I got a message from Mac to give to you." You blushed at the sound of his name but it soon disappeared. "O-Oh? What is it?" Doc breathed deeply and explained. "He said he wants you to meet him in the backyard in five minutes tops."

You pondered for a moment, wondering why he would want to meet you there. "Okay. For what exactly?" Doc groaned and told you, "Look, I ain't suppose to really tell you for what. All he told me was to tell you that he wants to meet you in the backyard in five minutes." You pulled your hands up in defense a bit and shrugged. "Alright, alright. I'll be there then, jeez." You huffed and made your way to the backyard, taking your sweet time since he said, "five minutes."

Doc saw you walk off and chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Good luck, Mac." He mumbled and walked to his room.

Five minutes later and you got to the backyard. You placed your hands on your hips and looked around. No sign of Little Mac anywhere. You huffed and groaned in disapproval. "Great! Just great! I come here in five minutes tops like Doc says and I get nothing! I wasted five minutes for this?!" You yelled out.

Except, a certain someone was sneaking up behind you without you knowing. You were about to leave until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind. That person picked you up from the ground, making you squeal in surprise. Then they licked your earlobe, causing you to blush and squeal some more. "What the hell?! Who's doing this?!" You heard a deep chuckle next to your ear.

"Relax, [Y/N]. It's only me." You knew that voice anywhere. It was Little Mac. You blushed and squirmed for him to put you down, which he did. You looked at him with a surprised and blushing face. He chuckled at your surprised state, making you feel embarrassed. "Really Mac? What the heck was that for? You surprised me..." You rubbed your ear, remembering that he licked it there which made you blush deeper.

Mac chuckled again. "I just wanted to sneak up on you, that's all. Besides, that was funny." He winked at you, causing you to blush darker again. "W-Whatever. What do you want then? Doc told me to come here." Mac remembered and pulled his green boxing gloves out. "I was just wondering if you wanted to practice punching again. I love practicing with you so, I was hoping we could..." He blushed lightly but turned away, hoping you wouldn't see it.

You smiled and cracked your knuckles. "Sure. I'm up for a challenge." You smirked at him, which he smirked back. He put his gloves on and got in position. "Alright. Lets do this." You nodded and made the first move, punching him hard and him punching back just as hard. You didn't wear any gloves. Your punches were pretty powerful in his opinion. All you wore were bandages, just so your knuckles won't get that red.

After a while of punching, laughing and a bit of play fighting, you two accidentally collided, causing you to grip onto his top and for him to wrap his arms around your waist. You two just stayed in that position, looking into each others eye. Your lips were just an inch away from each others. 'Oh Gosh, please kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.' You kept repeating in your mind. But you knew that wouldn't happen at all.

But that soon changed your mind until Little Mac closed the gap between your faces, and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes widened at the sudden action while Mac kept kissing you. You slowly started to get into the feeling of being kissed and closed your eyes, kissing him back passionately.

Mac smiled in the kiss and pressed your body more against his, making you blush deeper. He nimbly nibbled on your bottom lip, hoping to get access into your mouth. You didn't give him that entrance though, you smirked and decided to tease him, wanting to know what he might do.

Without you knowing, he swiftly took off his boxing gloves and placed them on the grassy floor behind you. Then he swiftly moved his hands down to your rear and squeezed it. You yelped at the sudden action and he got his opportunity to put his tongue into your mouth, exploring it. 'God damn him.' You let him do so, slightly moaning in the process of how good it felt.

He did lightly rub your sides and slightly your rear, making your face feel hotter and moan a few times. Then he pulled away from your lips, a bit of saliva still connecting to you two. You pouted slightly, already missing his warm soft lips on yours. Mac smirked and caressed your cheek. "We should do this more often..." He whispered to you. You nodded in agreement, grinning. "Yeah. I think that was a 'heated practice session,' don't you think?" He chuckled and nodded at your statement.

He pulled away from you, grabbing his gloves from the ground and slinging them over his shoulder. Then he picked you up, bridal style. You squealed in surprise at the sudden action. "W-Where are we going?" You asked, another blush forming. Mac smirked and kissed your forehead. "To my room. We should finish our 'heated practice session' right?" He winked at you. Your heart skipped a beat at his tone and statement.

You just smirked and lied your head against his shoulder. "I'd love that... a lot." Mac chuckled and nuzzled his face against your cheek. "Love you [Y/N]." You smiled at his words, making your heart race faster once again. "Love you too, Mac."

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