Love Arguements - Zero Suit Samus x Male!Reader x Wii Fit Trainer

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She could never stop the blush from appearing over her cheeks whenever she saw you. Every time you'd share a glance at each other, smiled towards her, even passed her by, she would always blush whenever it happened, and Wii Fit Trainer didn't know what to do.

Though, she wasn't the only one feeling this way. Oh no, there was another female that felt the same way towards you. Zero Suit Samus always cursed to herself whenever she blushed, or felt her heart skip a beat whenever she saw you. She was courageous, brave, always hard working and independent, yet she didn't know how she gained these feelings for you.

Each time, the two would try to do their own thing to get their mind off you. Wii Fit Trainer would practice doing yoga with Male Wii Fit Trainer, while Zero Suit Samus went to the training room and trained. The other fighters caught on, and couldn't help but find it cute that they both had feelings for you.

You quite haven't really caught on what was going on between the two, though you did catch glimpses of when they stared at you, blushing around you, acted nervous and all of that. You payed no attention to that though, you thought it was for another reason. Well... maybe that will change.

You were in the middle of a fight, going against Duck Hunt, Sonic, and Male Robin in a free-for-all. So far you were winning, and you couldn't help but smirk when the time would almost be up. The two females watched as you battled, watching your every move that you did and every attack that you hit. Wii Fit Trainer couldn't help but sigh a bit dreamily at your figure, thinking you looked very handsome while battling with others.

Zero Suit Samus looked towards her and raised an eyebrow, wondering why she was acting like that.

"What was that for?" she asked towards her. The two didn't know that they both had feelings for you, since all they've been paying attention to was you in particular. Wii Fit Trainer shook her head to come back to reality, looking towards Zero Suit Samus with a small blush on her white cheeks.

"O-Oh... well... it's just that... doesn't he look charming?" she asked, referring to you and pointing towards you with a smile. Zero Suit Samus looked at you, thinking that you did in fact look quite charming, feeling her heart skip a beat again.

"Yeah... he does... Wait... does that mean you like him?" she asked her, giving her a small glare in the process. Wii Fit Trainer blushed even deeper while looking at you, but listened to Zero Suit Samus' question.

"U-Um... y-yes, I do in fact like him... a lot actually. He's just... something~," she said with yet another dreamy smile. Zero Suit Samus growled in the back of her throat, not wanting another girl to get in the way of her man.

"Well... just so you know Wii Fit Trainer... he's mine, and I like him WAY more than you," she said with a small smirk, looking at your handsome figure again. Wii Fit Trainer twitched a bit at what she said, sending her one of her own glares.

"No way... I like him ten times more than you."

"Psh, yeah right. You think he likes you? I think he likes me..."

"No! He likes ME, not you!"

"Wanna bet?"

Wii Fit Trainer was a bit pissed by now, glaring at Zero Suit Samus while she just smirked towards her. The two then began to share comments about who may you like more or if they like you more. Some of the fighters looked towards them, wondering what all the fuss was about until the Announcer announced the winner of the battle, which was you.

"The winner is... [Y/N]!"

The fighters that had watched the whole thing cheered for you, while you waved at everyone with a smile on your face. Though, Zero Suit Samus and Wii Fit Trainer didn't stop arguing there, they kept at it while you thanked everyone and told the others that it was a good game. As soon as you got out of the arena, you heard the two arguing about something and looked over to see they both had red faces and it practically looked like there were fumes coming out of their heads.

"You're just a trainer! I'M a warrior!"

"So what?! That doesn't make him like you more than me!"

"You're just a trainer! Who likes a girl that just does yoga all day?!"

"Oh yeah! Well, I bet you he likes it when I be-"

"Um... are you two okay?"

The two were cut off by your sudden voice, their faces even getting darker in the process. Zero Suit Samus turned around to face you while Wii Fit Trainer leaned aside to see you, your face having a very confused expression upon it. The two waved nervously at you with a small, "Hi."

"Are you guys okay? I heard a lot of shouting over here with you two... Were you arguing?" you asked them while crossing your arms. The two let out a small, nervous giggle while Wii Fit Trainer pointed towards Zero Suit Samus.

"Sh-She started it."

"I-I did not! She did!"

"No, YOU started it!"

"No! It was YOU!"

"It was not! It was-"

Again, the two began to argue on who started the argument they did a few seconds ago, while you sweat dropped at them. You just slowly walked away from them both, not wanting to get in between them. You weren't sure why they were arguing in the first place, but you were sure as hell that you didn't want to get in between it all.

The problem was, you were, because it was all about you. Lets just say we could call this the "Love Argument" for the two. It kind of fits, right?

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