Two Links? - Link x Reader x Young Link

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This is really just something I wanted to whip up quickly before going to bed... yeah. I just really love Link and Young Link.

Also, to all the "Link is bae" people who are wanting Link next on the "Peaceful Slumber" story, yes, Link is next, I planned to do him after Marth so hold on my Readers. :P


"Link?" you called to seemingly no where for the Hylian hero to hear. You were quite bored around the mansion, so you figured maybe hanging out or training with Link would be the best option since he was your best friend, also crush at that.

"Link? Are you here?" Once again you called, wanting to know if he was around the mansion at all. Hopefully, he wasn't trying to beat up Ganondorf again...

"Yes?" Suddenly, a child-like voice interrupted your thoughts as soon as you were about to turn a corner. Quickly turning around for the source, you caught your eyes on the one and only Link, but... not the Link you knew. Oh no, this Link was the younger version of Link, preferably Young Link.

"Wha-? U-ummm..." You tried to hide back the small blush that was appearing around your cheeks. Looking at the younger version of Link, you couldn't help but think he was the most adorable child in the Smash Mansion. You just wanted to pick him up and cuddle him right there, but then again, you didn't want to seem like a weird creep towards the small, Hylian child.

"You called my name, so is there something you needed with me...?" he asked while his big, adorable, blue eyes starred into your own with curiosity.

Desperately, you held your whole body back from hugging the small child, because who wouldn't want to just pick up and hug the hell out of Young Link?

"U-ummm... n-no I was actually looking for-"


Right on cue, adult Link came strolling down the hallway on time. He looked at you curiously and stood beside the younger version of himself, wondering why you were blushing a bit.

"Is everything okay? You're blushing like mad... Did Young Link do something to you?"

"F-for the last time, L-Link! I-I don't like being called 'Young Link'! And I'm YOU! It's always weird to just call you... Link!" he blurted out with a pout and blush, crossing his small arms and looking away from his older self in a bit of anger.

Link couldn't help but laugh at how cute his younger self was and patted his head.

"Hey, and YOU are the younger version of ME. So, I can call you whoever I want... or do you want me to call you, 'me'?"

"A-absolutely not!"

While you watched the two arguing, you still held back on hugging the little kid because he was just so precious to you already. Your thoughts were soon interrupted until they stopped arguing and looked at you.

"[Y/N]?" Link asked with a wave of his hand. You immediately got out of your trance and looked at Link with a smile as if you were thinking of nothing.

"A-ah! I-I'm sorry! I-I wasn't thinking of anything...!" You then looked at the two versions of Link and pondered for a moment.

"Two Links... How in the world are there two Links?"

The two Links blushed at that and scratched the back of their head in unison.

"Well..." Link began.

"It's a long story, really..." Young Link said with a small smile.


It's been two years since you met Young Link, and it's also been two years since you and Link became boyfriend and girlfriend. Long story short, Link confessed his love to you with a song on his Ocarina and it could only make your heart melt at that, he even played it for you every so often when you both went out someplace.

"It's not fair..." Young Link pouted while you sat with him around the garden.

You looked at him curiously with a brow raised. "What's not fair, Link?"

The little Hylian hero blushed a bit and looked away, crossing his arms. "I-it's not fair that well... my adult version gets to go out with you... and I don't!"

You couldn't help but giggle at that, thinking it was super cute for Young Link to have a big crush on you and that he was the one that wanted to date you. Softly, you picked up Young Link and placed him on your lap, with his cheeks turning a darker red.

"Hey, don't you like it when I give you the best hugs, cuddles and kisses, though~?" you asked him with a grin.

Young Link looked at you, then looked away quickly and nodded softly with a small sigh.


You giggled once more before planting a soft kiss on his forehead and cheeks. "If you weren't you right now, I wouldn't be able to cuddle the cutest kid in the mansion~. Now, do you want to cuddle or something to make you feel better~?"

You always loved to cuddle or snuggle up with Young Link, since snuggling with him felt like you were snuggling a teddy bear of some sorts. With a small nod coming from Young Link, he hugged you tightly with a deep blush on his cheeks, while you carried him to your room with a smile.

For the rest of the day, you played 'Happy Mask Salesman' with Young Link and snuggled with him on his bed for the rest of the night. Young Link will always love your snuggles, cuddles, hugs and kisses, and even you too.

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