The Princess, Fighter, and Boxer - Rosalina x Little Mac x Reader

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You walked to your room, bored out of your mind after the fight with a few fighters. You sighed and plastered yourself onto your bed, groaning in annoyance and boredom. Then you thought what were Rosalina and Little Mac doing? Those two were your pretty close friends and you all liked to hang out together. Although you couldn't help but wonder why Rosalina always blushes at times while around Mac and Mac sometimes blushes at times as well.

Did those two like each other? You weren't so sure. You thought they'd make a cute pair but you wouldn't know. You did have a tiny crush on Mac but you would never admit that to anybody, not even Rosalina. You turned your head to the side, thinking about Mac again until you caught your eyes on a small piece of paper on your cabinet.

You raised an eyebrow and sat up on your bed. Picking up the paper, you unfold it to see a small message written in it. "[Y/N], meet me in the garden in about five mintues" -Little Mac. Your heart skipped a beat at the name, your face feeling a bit hot. Okay, you admit, you had more than a tiny crush on Little Mac. You put the paper back on top of your cabinet and got up from your bed, walking out of your room, you headed to the garden.

Meanwhile, Rosalina walked into her room, a bit exhausted from that fight she had. She sat on her bed and sighed, already starting to daydream about Mac. Until she spotted a piece of paper on her cabinet, she picked it up and unfolded it. She then read the message on it. "Rosalina, meet me in the garden in about ten minutes" -Little Mac.

Her heart skipped a beat and she blushed, covering her mouth with her hand to steady a giggle. 'What could he want me for? Oh I hope it's something nice.' She squealed and lied on her bed, her heart thumping against her chest. She was so impatient for those ten minutes to pass by, she was going there in about seven to eight minutes tops.

After five minutes, you hurriedly made you way to the garden, passing by some of the fighter. They raised an eyebrow, wondering what your rushing was for. Until you made it, you stopped and bent down to catch your breath, since you were in such a hurry for this thing. "[Y/N]?" You've heard that voice anywhere. You got back up and looked around, then caught your eyes on a pair of dark green ones.

You heart skipped a bit and you could've sworn you were blushing a bit. "H-Hey Mac. What is it that you want?" Mac scratched the back of his neck, a bit nervous at what he was going to do. He blushed a bit and you became confused why he was blushing like that. 'Wait, doesn't he like Rosalina? I thought he blushes only around her...'

Little Mac walked up closer to you, still getting a bit flustered about this whole thing. Then he remembered that he asked Rosalina to come over since he was going to ask the both of you to hang out, but he wanted to give you his news first. "U-Um... I've got something to tell you [Y/N]." You blushed a bit darker, wondering what it was he wanted to say. Your heart started to thump against your chest, hearing that faint "ba-bump."

Mac started to slowly wrap his arms around your waist and you couldn't help but place your hands against his chest, feeling his own heartbeat race. 'What's going on?' "W-What do you want to tell me?" Little Mac hesitated about the whole thing, still wondering if you might reject him. Then he took that back and planted a soft kiss on your lips, your eyes widening. Your heart raced even faster than before and your face became hotter.

You slowly started to kiss back, your eyes closing. Rosalina was then skipping around happily, already heading to the garden. After a few seconds, Little Mac pulled away from your lips, a faint blush on his face. You looked into his dark green eyes, your blush darker than his. "What I wanted to tell you was... I-I like you... [Y/N]." You couldn't believe what you were hearing, Little Mac liking you? So it wasn't Rosalina that he liked?

You let out a faint, "I like you too..." hoping that it was inaudible. But Mac heard and he smiled slightly at your answer. He was about to give you another kiss until he saw that aura of light blue heading this way. "I'm here Ma-" Rosalina stopped in her tracks, eying the scene before her. She froze and her heart stopped for just a second. You looked in the same direction Mac was looking at, regretting what you just did.

Rosalina had a look of pure shock and terror on her face, her heart sinking. Mac became a bit concerned and pulled away from you. He walked up to her and asked, "Are you okay Rosalina? You seem.... like you've seen a ghost." Rosalina shook her head and looked at Little Mac, a bit of a blush forming. "D-Do you like... [Y/N]?" Mac blushed and looked back at you then looked at Rosalina again. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Y-Yeah... I do. I just confessed to her and I thought I could give you the news and we could hang out...." Rosalina's heart sank more and she could've sworn that her heart broke. She then started to feel her blood boil and she pushed Mac aside. Mac became confused until she saw her stomp her way towards you. You stepped back, confused at what was happening. "How dare you! Mac was suppose to be with me, not you!" You became shocked. 'So she did like Little Mac... Crap." Mac looked at Rosalina, shocked that she actually had a crush on him.

"L-Look... I-I'm sorry Rosalina, i-it's ju-" "No! You're not to apologize! He was suppose to be with me!" She could feel her tears forming but she help them back. She then grabbed you by the collar and dragged you to the arena. "H-Hey! What are you doing?! Let me go!!" You tried to get out of her grasp but to no avail. "No! Not until we settle this once and for all!" Mac became wide eyed and tried to tell Rosalina to let you go but she didn't listen.

She continued to drag you to the arena in rage, you getting scared by the second. Mac froze in his place, not even believing that two girls will fight over him and he only liked one. He couldn't even stop Rosalina and now she's going to give [Y/N] a piece of her mind. He couldn't do anything but sigh and follow the two, wondering just what will happen in this fight.

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