Ocarina Lessons - Link x Reader

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You walked down the halls with your flute in hand. Link promised you today he would teach you how to play the songs he's learned on his ocarina. You thought it sounded like fun, so you said yes and since he is your crush, you couldn't turn that offer down.

As soon as you made it to the garden where you and him would practice, you saw him sitting on a bench, cleaning his ocarina. "Link!" You called out to get his attention. He stopped wiping his ocarina to look around. He saw you and smiled, waving at you and gesturing for you to come sit with him. You smiled and did so.

Link stopped cleaning his ocarina and smiled at you again, making your heart melt. "So, are you ready for your music lessons?" He asked with a bit of a chuckle. You giggled and nodded. "Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world." Link blushed lightly at your comment but that blush soon disappeared.

So he picked up his ocarina and started to play a few songs that you knew and loved. You tried at them a few times but failed, making you giggle. Link chuckled and grabbed the flute but kept it against your mouth. He just played the buttons for you while you blew in the flute in sync. You couldn't help but blush at how close he was to you, but of course, you thought this was only because he was teaching you.

After a while, you did get the hang of a few songs. You played them well and you smiled. Link clapped a bit and smiled at you for getting a few right. Then, a certain princess came out to the garden to walk around in. Princess Zelda came out then she noticed you and Link together sitting on the bench.

She blushed a bit, not liking you two close together. She sighed and stepped into the garden a bit more, pretending that she's minding her own business but she's actually trying to eye you two without being noticed.

You and Link could practically see her trying to eye you two. You sighed and asked Link in a mere whisper, "L-Link, d-do you have... a thing for Zelda?" Link looked at you and blushed lightly. "N-No. I don't like her that way. I only like her as a friend. Besides, I like... someone else." Your heart dropped, hearing Link liking someone else. You looked down, upset and asked, "W-Who? If its okay that I ask."

The thing that caught you very off guard was that Link tilted your chin his way for you to look at him. You blushed darkly, your faces just inches apart from each others and you were confused why he did this. "Its you." He answered in a mere whisper. Then he kissed you on the lips.

Your eyes widened while he had his eyes closed. You hesitantly placed your hands on his shoulders and kissed him back, closing your eyes. Zelda looked at you two, a blush and a flabbergasted expression on her face. She huffed and turned around, walking back inside the mansion. You two stayed put like that for a few minutes, savoring the sweet moment you two shared.

Link pulled away, a blush appearing on his face. You had a blush on your face as well from that experience. You scratched the back of your neck, a bit disappointed. You thought he only did that to get Zelda jealous. "S-So... was that just to get Zelda jealous?" Link looked at you shocked and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace.

You blushed again and let him do so. He stroked your hair lovingly and lied his chin onto your head. "No... Th-That was because I do like you, [Y/N]. A-And I was hoping that you'd like me back..." He pulled away and looked into you [E/C] eyes for any sort of answer. You looked away nervously but then kissed him on the cheek, catching him a bit off guard at the sudden action.

You giggled and punched him on the shoulder playfully. "Of course I do. I've had a crush on you since we met... actually." You awkwardly giggled and Link chuckled. He kissed you on the lips once more and held your hand. "So, do you want to do something else other than this? We can if you want." You smiled and nodded, placing your flute on the bench.

"Sure. Anything to pass the time as long as it's with you." Link blushed and nodded. He placed his ocarina next to your flute and got up with you. You both walked out of the garden hand in hand, while your flute and Link's ocarina stayed on the bench next to each other, never to be apart.

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