Personally, I Prefer You For Christmas - Falco x Reader

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Finally, Christmas was just around the corner for the Smash Mansion! Everyone was so excited about it all, and every fighter had gotten their gifts and put them underneath the gigantic Christmas tree in the middle of the mansion. Well, everyone except two fighters in particular. They both had gotten a gift for everyone except for each other. Falco nor [Y/N] wanted a gift from each other. They secretly wanted their love.

You two were very close friends and would do anything together. Falco was such a gentleman to you, it always made your heart skip a small beat. You both even had feelings for each other, and you'd constantly blush at such the sweet things he'd do for you, he'd also do the same whenever you were the one to do something sweet for him.

Whenever you two hung out, Fox would catch a glimpse of you two and smirk to himself. He knew you both had feelings for each other, and he really wanted to hook you guys up for Christmas. He even had this little plan in mind with the help of a few fighters that also knew about you two. He just had to put it into action once he talked to you both.

You had happened to be looking at the beautiful Christmas tree, your heart thumping in excitement since you couldn't believe it was already Christmas. You wondered what the others got you this year, especially Falco. You didn't get a present for him since you actually wanted to tell him your feelings for Christmas. You though it would be the best gift for him, if he liked you back.

Seeing how charming he was towards you filled you up with hope and you wondered if it'll work out well. You sighed a bit, suddenly feeling that maybe it won't work out. Fox saw you, and smirked at himself again. He walked up to you casually and tapped on your shoulder, making you turn around to see him, you smiled softly. "Hey Fox. What's up?"

He cleared his throat and casually said, "[Y/N], I was wondering if you're going to do something with anyone else tomorrow morning?" You pondered for a bit, knowing that you had no plans tomorrow morning except open up the gifts from the others. You looked at him again and shook your head. "No, I don't. Why?"

He grinned widely and said, "Well, there's someone that just might want to be with you Christmas morning and I was wondering if you would go to the balcony to see them, if that's alright."

'Someone? Who could it be? Maybe Falco...?'

Your heart skipped a beat thinking about him. You then gave a small smile to Fox and nodded. "Sure. I'll be sure to be there by then. Thanks Fox." He nodded with a smile on his face and you left to your room for the night. Fox chuckled at himself and mentally gave himself a pat on the back.

"Nice work, Fox. Now to go tell Falco the same thing..."

-Next Morning-

Every fighter hurriedly got out of bed and made their way to the Christmas tree. Circling around, Mario made everyone wait and smiled as soon as everyone was situated. "Good-a morning everybody! And-a Merry Christmas!" All the others replied back or roared. He smiled softly and clasped his hands together.

"Now-a the moment you've all-a been waiting for... LET'S-A OPEN UP THE GIFTS-A!" He cheered and quickly made his way to the tree, the others quickly following behind and finding or opening up their presents, lots of cries of happiness and joy filling the mansion.

You patiently made your way to the balcony, thinking the presents could wait for later. You looked out to the sky, thinking how beautiful it looked here. Suddenly, you heard the door behind you open and close. You turned around to find Falco coming out, a small blush spreading across your cheeks. He looked at you and his cheeks colored red as well, looking away quickly to try and hide it.

"Morning [Y/N]."

"Morning Falco."

He walked towards your side and looked out at the horizon with you, suddenly everything felt a bit awkward. 'W-Was he the one that wanted to see me...?'

"Hey [Y/N], did Fox send you here?"

"Yeah, why?"

Falco chuckled to himself, knowing just what Fox was setting you both up for. You looked at him in confusion, wondering why he was laughing. "What's so funny...?" He calmed his chuckles down, and looked to you with a soft smile. "[Y/N], can I tell you something?"

Your heart thumped against your chest and you nodded slowly. He looked out at the horizon again and said, "The thing is, what I personally prefer for Christmas is you, [Y/N]." He looked at you when he said those last words, and your cheeks turned bright red. You squealed in silence of happiness and hugged him tightly, him hugging you back with a big smile.

He stroked your hair lovingly and whispered, "I love you..." You smiled widely and whispered the same thing back to him. He soon pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours while holding your hands.

Fox peeked through the window, smirking and fist pumping his fist in accomplishment while the others watched it with him in secret. This years Christmas was the best one ever yet.

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