Peaceful Slumber Part 1 - Marth x Link x Reader x Ike x Shulk

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Okay, so- Call me weird but, I found these certain pictures on Tumblr that a friend mentioned me in, and got this idea of what would happen if Reader was right there, next to them and took a picture of how peaceful they seemed asleep. You'll see them in each four parts I'm going to make for each four boys~.


"C'mon, [Y/N]! Hurry up!" Shulk rushed you while he pulled you along with him, with you hurrying yourself up and swatting him away from your practically pulled out arm.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming, Shulk! Gosh!" you said with a giggle.

"Hey, I don't want you two having to pester about once we get there-"

"Aw, c'mon, Ike! Liven up a little bit! Besides, we're going to the Mario Galaxy stage, which is a perfect place for us to relax and have a good time! All thanks to Link," you said with a smile, while Link turned to look at you, blushing a bit and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I-it was nothing, really. I j-just thought we could all unwind together after training, that's all..."

"Well, either way Link, I thought it was also a brilliant idea as well," Marth cut in with a sweet smile.

Just the thought of relaxing with all four boys at the Mario Galaxy stage made your heart flutter in happiness. Who knew that you would actually be able to hang out with the four, cutest swordsman of the Smash Mansion? Plus, in the Mario Galaxy stage, where it was extra romantic for the beautiful music and beautiful scenery of the sky and background~. Just the thought of it all made you go into a dreamy daze.

Suddenly, a hand was waving in front of you, causing for you to come back down to Earth.

"[Y/N]? Are you alright, my sweet?" Marth asked with a soft smile, with you turned to him with a blushing mess. Marth calling you "my sweet" always made you feel embarrassed and fluttery.

"I-I'm alright, Marth. D-don't worry."

Marth smiled softly at that and nodded, wrapping an arm around your waist which caused you to blush a bit deeper.

"Good, I wouldn't want to let my sweetheart go into a daze and bump into something that could possibly hurt her~."

"Marth, stop flirting with [Y/N] and leave her be..." Link protested with a huff, only making Marth chuckle and smirk, letting you go.

"Jealous, aren't we, Link?"

"Am not, Marth!"

"Guys, please stop fighting..." Shulk protested with a small pout.

But, the two wouldn't stop fighting about you until the Mario Galaxy stage came into view.

"Look! We're here!" Ike shouted for everyone to see, and in order for the two swordsman to stop arguing.

As soon as your eyes caught sight of the stage, your eyes twinkled in delight, looking at the beautiful scenery of what was known as the Mario Galaxy stage.

"FINALLY!" you shouted before running towards the middle of the stage and twirling around in delight, like a ballerina.

The four boys watched and chuckled at that, thinking that you were the most cutest girl in the Smash Mansion. Soon, they all came in and made it to where you were, while Ike suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and lifting you off the ground, with you becoming a blushing mess again and squirming about.

"I-Ike! Put me down!"

"Not until you stop twirling, [Y/N]~," he said with a small smirk.

You pouted at that and stopped, crossing your arms and looking away from him. "F-fine..."

"Good girl~," he said before blowing on your ear softly and placing you back down, causing you to yelp at that.

Soon after, Shulk grabbed hold of your hand, which made you into a blushing mess once again, before pulling you with him.

"C'mon, [Y/N]! Lets go find things to do around here~!"

Right after Shulk said so, Link came in with him and took your other hand in his, smiling sweetly at you with a wink.

"I think I'll accompany you with this one, [Y/N]~."

"Awwwwww, Link! Why do you have to butt into things with me and [Y/N]?"

"Because I can, now are we going to do something or not?"

And with that, you spent a good few hours spending great quality time with Marth, Link, Ike and Shulk.

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