Will You Be My Boxerette? - Little Mac x Boxer!Reader

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You took a deep breath, tightening up your fist a bit at this next match. You definitely knew who you were going up against. It was the one and only Little Mac.

You two were quite close friends since you both had the same fighting style and were both pretty strong. Ever since he came in, you've felt like you two would become very close and here you were. You both would always hang out with each other, either training or just goofing around a few times.

The only problem was that you and Little Mac had crushes on each other and you both didn't know how to deal with it. The other fighters would constantly tell you both that you two would make the cutest Smash Couple since you both are the same and like the same things. But, you would either make up an excuse or just plain out try to slip out of that statement. Same thing went with Little Mac, except he'd get irritated and almost punch them.

But Little Mac had a bit of something planned. After the match is over, he'll ask you out. He was pretty nervous to say the least, since he wasn't really good around girls. But, he had to step up his game and go for the win! or that's how Doc likes to say it. He would roll his eyes at what Doc had to say, but chuckled since he was happy to have a good trainer like him.

He looked out towards the boxing ring, taking a deep breath and tightening up his gloved fist, ready to take on the fight. You did the same, while putting on your gloves, you stretched yourself out a few times and grinned, ready to take on your close friend.

You both made your way onto the boxing ring and got into your positions. You sent him a smirk while he sent you a smirk back, feeling confident about this fight. Although he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a small beat about what he'll do after this match. He took it aside for now, and focused on the fight at hand.

"Ready... GO!"

-Time Skip-

After the whole battle, it ended up into a Sudden Death. You both weren't surprised at all, since you were both equally strong and skilled. You panted heavily, feeling that whole percentage bar go up on your whole body, Little Mac feeling the same. He really didn't want to hurt you more, nor win over you. He suddenly lifted his gloved hand to signal everything to stop, you and the others who were watching looking at him in confusion.

The Announcer took that as a match end and got you two both back to good health, ending the whole thing in a tie. You two caught your breaths for a moment and then you suddenly ran up to him and gave him a big hug, making him jolt a bit in surprise but hug you back tightly with a chuckle.

"That was awesome, Mac! We should battle again... but on teams next time," you said with a giggle and Mac chuckled with you. He pulled away to look into your [E/C] eyes, knowing that this was the moment to ask you out. He cleared his throat suddenly and felt a small blush appear on his cheeks.

You looked at him confusingly until he spoke up.

"[Y-[Y/N], there's something I've been meaning to ask you..." Your heart skipped a beat at his tone, and you gave him your full attention. "Go ahead, Mac." He cleared his throat again and took your gloved hands into his. Looking back into your [E/C] eyes with a smile, he asked, "[Y/N], w-will you be my Boxerette?"

His blushed had darkened at his own question, thinking it was so cheesy to ask that. Your eyes widened suddenly at his cute question, and your smiled widened into a bright own. You quickly gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "O-Of course I'll be your Boxerette~!" He smiled widely and hugged you back tightly, picking you up and spinning you around in a circle.

The others watched the cute scene and clapped their hands for you two, knowing that you both would finally be a Smash Couple at last. Once Little Mac placed you back down, he quickly kissed you on the lips, your eyes widening in surprise but your lips kissed him back. A few of the male fighters whistled while the female fighters awed in cuteness.

You both knew that you two would be the happiest boxers alive.

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