Jealous? - Mario x Reader x Sonic

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You smirked again as you dodged Sonic's next move, practically knowing all of his moves by now. He got quite irritated at your skills and went in for another fast attack, but you dodged it quickly again, already becoming bored of his old moves. You let out a yawn in sarcasm and grinned.

"C'mon, Sonic! You can do better than that! I know you can~," you said, making the hedgehog pout at you.

"How can I when you know when to dodge every second?!"

This time, he went into a flurry of punches, making you smirk again and dodge each one safely. You were a skilled fighter and dodger, so it was no problem being able to get away from attacks and countering. You suddenly grabbed one of Sonic's hands, making his eyes widen once you lifted him up and threw him on the ground behind you with an, "Omph!" coming from him.

He lied there and looked at you in shock while you hovered over him with a giggle.

"You need to learn how to attack faster, Sonic~. They don't call you the fastest hedgehog in the world for nothing," you said while poking his black nose, making Sonic blush and look away from you.

"Yeah, yeah. W-Whatever, [Y/N]... N-Now can you please help me up?" he asked while extending a hand.

You smiled and nodded while grabbing his hand and pulling him up, dusting himself off after he got sorted out. Sonic honestly enjoyed training with you, even though you were quite skilled and dodging his every attack annoyed him. But he thought to himself that it would help him learn how to attack faster and try to get an opening, so he was happy to train with you since you were as fast as him.

You giggled again at how cute and silly Sonic looked on the ground, making him look at you with bright red cheeks.

"W-What's so funny?" he asked with a small pout. You calmed down a bit and looked at him.

"I just couldn't help but think how cute you looked when you were on the floor in shock and all..." you said with another giggle, making his cheeks turn a deeper red and a growl escaped his mouth. Though he couldn't help but let out a few chuckles here and there, since he thought he did look quite silly like that.

While you two were laughing and having a good time in the training room, Mario was hidden behind the door of the room, glaring at Sonic a bit. He's been spying on you both for a good while now, and to say the least, he was jealous of Sonic. He would always see you and Sonic and hang out a lot, train, fight, and do almost everything together. Mario didn't really like it. Sure, he was close friends with the blue hedgehog, but the thing was, Mario liked you, a lot and seeing his close friend with you made him jealous.

He balled up his hand into a fist, wanting to just jump in and have you hang out with him instead. You were also close friends with Mario, but you two mainly talked whenever you had the time to. You and Sonic mostly hung out, so it was no surprise when the brawlers saw you two together.

Mario grit his teeth, but soon took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He watched you two again, wondering what will happen next.

After your fits of giggles and chuckles, you took a deep breath and smiled down at Sonic.

"I think that's enough training for today. Do you want to go get chili dogs? I heard Kirby's making some for everyone," you asked him, your stomach rumbling a bit for some really good chili dogs, since those were your favorite.

Sonic's ears perked up at the two words, and he grinned with his eyes sparkling just a bit, his stomach also rumbling for them.

"Oh man, you have no idea how much I'd love to, [Y/N]!" he said enthusiastically, making you giggle.

Sonic soon began to run towards the door quickly, making you pout at how fast he was but soon ran after him. Mario realized that you two were coming his way and jumped, trying to get away as quickly as possibly from hiding. But as soon as Sonic opened the door quickly, he saw Mario right behind it, and Sonic realized the door was a tad opened before he opened it up all the way.

Sonic raised a questioning eyebrow at the Italian, wondering why he was here.

"Mario? What are you doing here?" the blue hedgehog asked, making Mario become flustered.

"U-Um... w-well-a y-you see-"

"What's going on here?"

You came out with Sonic, wondering why Sonic was still at the door until you soon saw Mario right in front of him.

"Oh, hi Mario. What are you doing here?" you asked the same question Sonic asked a few seconds ago, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, I was wondering about that too... Were you spying on us, Mario?" Sonic asked with a small glare in his eyes.

Mario blushed and shook his hands and head quickly, trying to get the fact that he DID spy on you two out of the way.

"N-No! O-Of-a course I wouldn't spy on you two! What kind of a person would I-a be if I were-a to do that?" he said with a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of his neck in nervousness.

You raised an eyebrow again once you saw Sonic glare at Mario a bit, while you could've sworn Mario had a little glare in his eye as well. You shook your head and stopped Sonic once he was about to make a comeback.

You looked at the two and simply said, "Hey, how about we not worry about this now and go get those chili dogs? I'm getting kind of hungry and it'd be nice to get them with you two..."

You smiled brightly at them both, making them blush lightly and nod in agreement, since they couldn't quite argue with that. You walked in between them and extended your hands out for each of them to take. They both slowly took your hand and held it, blushing a bit darker at the gesture.

You smiled softly at the two and made your way to the dining room where Kirby would be handing out those chili dogs, Mario and Sonic walking alongside you. When you weren't looking, they both shared glares at each other from time to time. At one point, Sonic gave Mario and smug smirk and mouthed out, "Jealous~?" Mario became flustered again and blushed, glaring at him even more and mouthed out, "No!"

Sonic just simply chuckled softly and looked back at the front, Mario doing the same but with a blush of embarrassment and a bit of anger at the hedgehog.

They both liked you, they weren't even sure which one of them you liked more but all in all, you admitted that you loved them both equally. From then on, there was no stopping the two from glaring and arguing from time to time when you weren't there.

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