Welcome Back! - MewTwo x Reader x Lucas

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So, in celebration for MewTwo's and Lucas's return to Smash Bros. yesterday during Nintendo Direct, I have decided to do a special One-Shot just for them! So, this means that pretend that none of the Melee and Brawl representatives are there, just the Smash Bros. 4 characters. Sorry for any spoilers to anyone who hasn't heard about them yet. ;w;' Also, I'm so sorry this is super long and a bit of a hitter to the feels, it just had to be done and this idea was in my head. UwU;
"C'mon, Link! Hurry! They're almost here!"

"A-Alright, [Y/N]! J-just slow down!"

In a quick rush to the front of the Smash Mansion, you and Link hurriedly made your way there to meet two special fighters once again.

MewTwo and Lucas.

It had been so long since you last saw them both, especially MewTwo. You had wondered where they were, sometimes even thinking about the two fighters during your free time in the Smash Mansion. When was the last time you saw them both again?

Ah, now you remembered.

First, you had met MewTwo back in Melee. To say the least, you and him were quite close friends, though knowing MewTwo, he was pretty serious and self-aware of himself while being around others. Though, with just you, he can be a whole lot different since you were very special to him.

When you and he heard that he wasn't going to be in the next Smash Bros. game, it really broke your heart. You even cried once hearing the news of him not coming back. You remembered, MewTwo reassured you that he would come back someday, saying that even though you two will be separate from each other, he'll always remember you. Honestly, that made you feel better, and reassured you that he would come back someday.

Then, you met Lucas.

Remembering him, he was always so scared and seemed pretty nervous around the other fighters, especially the big guys. Always there to comfort him, Lucas was always super happy when you were by his side, taking care of him and comforting him whenever he was nervous about something. Even training with him to make him stronger and show that he's not weak at all.

Lucas loved you once you two bonded with each other more. Each and every time he saw you everyday, he would always run up to you, jump on you, and give you the biggest hug ever. He always felt protected around your embraces, it was like he was back home...

Then, hearing that the new Super Smash Bros. game was going to come out soon, you heard that Lucas wasn't going to participate in this game, and the same went for MewTwo as well. During that time, you cried for Lucas as well, seeing him and giving him lots of hugs, and small kisses on his face to reassure him that he'll be fine without you.

Lucas couldn't help but cry with you, knowing that he'd miss you very much and thinking he wouldn't be safe without you around, but with your kind words to him, he felt more confidence in him and accepted that.

So, you got use to the newcomers that were introduced in the game, having some fun with them and making lots more friends with them as well. Though, you could never get MewTwo and Lucas out of your head, because those two were the most special friends you've ever had.

But, now... it was time.

Time for them to return to Super Smash Bros. and become returning fighters yet again.

Hearing the news from Master Hand, you jumped for joy so much that you hugged all of your friends you saw and shouted, "MEWTWO AND LUCAS MADE IT BACK TO SMASH BROS.! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!"

Nobody was surprised, because they knew how special they both were to you.

Now, getting back to the present, you and Link had finally made it to the front of the mansion, already all the fighters were crowded around the front door to welcome them back. You weren't one to be rude, but you just had to see them both first. So, in a hurry, you pushed a few of the fighters over to be able to get to the very front of the crowd, so you could be the first one to see them.

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