Magic Tombs - Robin x Reader

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"Robin!" You pouted once more, trying to get out of the magician's grasp but to no avail. Robin wouldn't dare let you go, not wanting for you to run away from him again. Today was your magic lessons with him and you hated doing those lessons. One word to describe them, boring. You did outrun him a few times, but this time he came prepared. He had you slung over his shoulder, and there was nothing you could do but whine and beat his back.

While you both went through the halls, you caught a glimpse of Lucina passing by. Your face lit up and you wanted to get her attention. "Lucina!" She heard her name and turned around to see you slung over Robin's shoulder. She snickered and walked alongside Robin so she could talk to you.

"What is it this time, [Y/N]?" You pouted at her tone and explained. "Get me out of Robin's grasp! I don't want him to teach me more lessons! Please Lucina? I'm begging you..." "You do realize I can hear you..." Robin raised an eyebrow and you just punched his back. "Whatever..." Lucina giggled and pondered, then she shook her head.

"Sorry [Y/N], but you can't get away from Robin when it comes to lessons. See you!" She ran off in the other direction with a shocked look on your face. "No! Wait Luci- Aw forget it... She's no help." You stopped squirming and let Robin carry you to his room, making him chuckle in amusement. "You're a handful [Y/N].... Don't change." Robin stated, which made your cheeks light up at his comment.

You huffed and ignored it. "Whatever Robin..."

As soon as you two finally made it to his room, he closed his door and sat on his bed, but didn't even bother to put you down. You sighed and waited patiently but he didn't do anything. "Robin..." He let out a small "Hmmm?" to let you know you got his attention. You growled. "Can't you put me down? My stomach's starting to hurt..." Robin chuckled and opened up his tomb book.

"No can do [Y/N]. This lesson is going to work out differently..." He looked through his book to find the right tome he's looking for. You pouted and crossed your arms. "How so?" He didn't say a word to you, he was still concentrating on his tomb book. You huffed and sighed but waited for him to do something.

"Aha! Here it is." You jumped at his tone but calmed down. "Are you ready for this [Y/N]?" He looked at you and smirked. You glared at him and growled. "Ready? I've been ready since the beginning Robin! Now lets hear it..." Robin chuckled and looked back at his tomb book. He chanted a spell and as soon as he was done, you felt as though you were floating. You looked around to see you were floating. "W-What the heck?! Robin what did you do?!"

He laughed at your reaction and moved you around, making you irritated. "This is a tome that can control anybody, so now I'm controlling you." Your eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat. "W-What are you going to make me do?" He smirked and floated you down to the ground but you couldn't move a muscle. He plastered you on his lap and had your face just inches away from his, causing you to blush a dark crimson.

"Oh, nothing special. Just something harmless is all." He smirked wider and you tried to lean back but to no avail. "Which is?" He chuckled lightly and leaned in just a bit closer. He whispered, "I just want you to kiss me..." After that, he planted a kiss onto your lips. You yelped in surprise and blushed deeper at the action.

You couldn't help but kiss back, closing your eyes slowly and feeling his soft lips on yours. He made your arms wrap around his neck while he had his hands on your waist. You were going to do that none the less, but he had done it for you. After a few more minutes, he pulled away from your lips with a grin.

You pouted and looked another way, since you couldn't move your head. He chuckled and caressed your cheek softly, giving you a loving look. You blushed lightly but you couldn't help but smile at him, having such a cute teacher like him. He pulled his hand away and moved you onto his bed, catching you by surprise.

He lied you down and undid his spell, knowing that you won't run away from him this time. He climbed on top of you and looked you in the eyes, a bit of lust building within him. "Are you ready for the next lesson, [Y/N]?" You blushed at his tone and nodded slowly, grinning just a tiny bit. "Sure. Ready when you are..." Robin smirked and planted another soft kiss on your lips, you kissing back immediately.

Maybe his lessons weren't so boring after all.

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