I'll Be Here For You - Shulk x Reader

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You hummed to yourself, walking around the lonely forest that had caught your attention for quite a while now. You decided to get out of the noisy Smash Mansion and catch a breather. Sure, the balcony could've worked but, you've been eying this forest for a long while now and you've really wanted to walk around to see it. Now, here you are at night, walking around the foggy, lonely forest in awe.

To be honest, you thought it was pretty. You were never really creeped out from creepy things, you kind of liked them. And you were never scared of anything either. Well, anything except Crazy Hand. He was the creepiest of them all. You never liked to go near him when you had to face off during battles.

That's when Shulk came in.

He was a sweet boy to you and he would always help you whenever you needed it most. It made your heart sore that a cute guy like him would help you out. It made you always swoon and think about him often.

Your thoughts of Shulk got interrupted once you suddenly heard a few tree branches snapped. You gasped and turned around quickly, wondering what it was that caused the noise. "H-Hello?" You called out, wondering if it was someone out there. You suddenly heard that familiar, crazy cackle that made you blood run cold.

You suddenly turned around once more to see Crazy Hand from afar, making you sweat and for your eyes to widen. Crazy Hand cackled again and quickly made his way towards you. "I have you now, [Y/N]!" He shouted in glee and craziness. You tried to grab your weapon but remembered that you had left it back at the mansion.

You were screwed. You didn't know what to do. You screamed loudly and crouched down, tears about to spill out of your eyes, waiting for your end.

Suddenly, you heard a loud grunt coming from Crazy Hand, making you look back up and gasp from who you saw.

It was Shulk.

He blocked Crazy Hand with his Monado Sword while gritting his teeth, not wanting for him to get any closer to you.

"Stay away from [Y/N]!" He yelled before pulling away and slashing him, causing Crazy Hand to grunt again and become furious at the Monado Boy. Shulk readied himself, and charged towards Crazy Hand to fight him. You watched in awe and shock as the two fought, your cheeks a bright red since Shulk was actually saving you from him.

After a while of battling, Shulk gave Crazy Hand one more powerful slash, making Crazy Hand groan loudly and fall in defeat and disappear into thin air. Shulk took a deep breath and placed his Monado Sword back onto his back. He quickly turned to you and ran over, crouching down and hugging you closely.

"[Y/N]! Are you alright?! I was so worried! Don't scare me like that again!" Your eyes widened at his words. Shulk was worried about you?

Your heart skipped a beat and you couldn't help but hug him back tightly, burying your face into his chest.

"I-I'm so sorry, Shulk! I-I didn't mean to make you worry! I-I..." Shulk shushed you quietly and stroked your hair. He suddenly lifted your chin up with his pointer finger and thumb. He gave you a small smile and suddenly kissed you on the lips, making your eyes widen once more and for your blush to deepen.

You then got into the kiss and kissed back, closing your eyes and pulling him closer to your form. Once the need of air came by, you both pulled away and Shulk leaned his forehead against yours with a smile, happy to see that you were alright.

"Never leave me again, okay [Y/N]?" He told you, kissing your nose softly. You gave him a reassuring smile and nodded, promising to him that you won't. "I won't Shulk, I promise."

He let out a happy sigh before pecking your lips once more.

"If you're ever in trouble [Y/N], don't worry... I'll always be here for you no matter what."

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