You'll Always Be Awesome - Snake x Reader

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Today was going quite well in the Smash Mansion, no trouble or problems have occurred. Everyone was doing their own thing, and you remembered that the brawlers from the previous Smash games were finally now here to stay, but the only thing was that they could only stay but not fight when players wanted to, unless the older games were played. But they could fight whenever the others were up for it, just to have some fun.

You were in the garden, helping Olimar tend with his small Pikmin, making you giggle at how silly and cute they were. You were going to hang out with Snake today, but you couldn't find him, you figured he was busy battling someone right now. Just then, Captain Falcon tapped you on the shoulder unexpectedly, making you yelp and jump, in which made him chuckle.

You turned around to face him and pouted with a small blush of embarrassment on your cheeks, crossing your arms.

"That's not funny, Falcon..." you said while he calmed down his chuckling.

He smirked lightly and said, "Hey, it was to me! Now I came here to ask, have you seen Snake? Me and him were suppose to fight today, but somehow when I asked everyone, no one knew where he was. I thought you'd might know since you two are close friends..."

He couldn't help but smirk even wider when he saw you blush deeper, since you two were close friends but you secretly had a crush on him.

You shook your head to get rid of the blush, and cleared your throat.

"Well... I guess I can go find him if you'd like. I know a lot about him so I'm sure I can find him like that," you said while snapping your fingers with a small smile.

Captain Falcon nodded with a grin and looked at Olimar, making you look at the little captain as well and kneel down to his height.

Patting his head, since he didn't have his helmet on, you said, "Is it okay if I can go find Snake? Captain Falcon can help you with your Pikmin and I promise I'll come back soon to help you, okay?"

Olimar simply blushed lightly and nodded, agreeing with your idea and looked at Captain Falcon with a smile. Falcon grinned back, since the two were close from their previous adventure.

You nodded with a smile and stood back up, looking at the two.

"I'll be back with Snake if I can, okay?" you said while Captain Falcon nodded and saluted you.

You giggled and saluted back before waving to the two and heading back into the mansion, ready to find that gunman.

While you went to find him, Snake was actually in a "secret" place of his. He wanted some alone time to talk to Otacon, so then he could try to let out his feelings to him. He tried to get comfortable in his small box, and called Otacon, hoping he'd answer this time since a few times he wouldn't answer. He had a small problem.

He didn't feel right being in the Smash Mansion. His moves were different, his weapons were different, he even felt that his style was different. He felt mostly left out. All the other fighters had cool moves, nice weapons, cool styles but he felt as though he wasn't capable enough to be with them. He thought he was out of everyone's league.

But when you came along, he didn't feel so different anymore. He felt like he was at home when he was with you. You always made him feel complete, made him whole, made him fight when you were there to cheer him on. But when you weren't there, he just couldn't do anything. Sure, the others were nice to him and all, but you were the only one that was the sweetest in his opinion. Honestly, you made his heart flutter.

His thoughts were interrupted until he heard the sudden beeping of the line being busy. He cursed and turned off his device, sighing in irritation that he wouldn't be able to talk to Otacon for a while. He leaned back a bit, closing his eyes and trying to calm himself down by thinking about you.

You happened to be still looking around for him, wondering just where he might be.

"Snake? Where are you, Snake?" you called out, hoping you'd get anything as a reply.

Snake suddenly opened his eyes, his heart skipping a beat at that familiar voice. He tried to stay still as possible, hoping you wouldn't notice him in his usual box. You scanned the hall area, hoping to find something.

Suddenly, you grinned at seeing the familiar box that Snake usually hid in. You giggled softly and made your way to the box, shaking your head, thinking that Snake needs to find a better spot to hide in. Nonchalantly, you grabbed the box and lifted it off the ground, revealing Snake's familiar figure. His eyes widened and he looked up towards you, his cheeks turning a bright crimson and you giggled with a grin.

"Found you~," you said while placing the box down next to him and kneeling down to meet his level. Snake sighed and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Yep. You found me alright..." he said.

He averted his gaze away from you, not wanting to look into your eyes since you knew exactly why he was hiding. You let out a soft sigh and sat next to him, placing your hand onto his which made his cheeks heat up more.

You looked at him softly and said, "Snake, you need to stop thinking like this. You know everyone is special in their own way, and you are too. Everyone isn't better than anybody else, we're all the same as we are. Besides..."

You cut yourself off, thinking about what you were going to do next. Snake looked at you with an eyebrow raised, wondering what you were going to say.

"Besides wh-" Snake was suddenly cut off by you kissing him softly on the cheek with a blush, his face practically a deeper red at his point. You pulled away with a soft smile and replied,

"You'll always be awesome, Snake... no matter what."

Snake couldn't help it, but your words made him feel like a whole new person. He didn't feel so violated, he didn't feel different anymore, he didn't even feel as though he was out of everyone's league. He felt like he was at home again, that everyone here was the best. He smiled softly back at you and this time, kissed the top of your forehead, making you blush lightly.

"Thanks, [Y/N]. You have no idea how much better I feel when you're here..." he said with a small grin and a wink. You blushed deeper and giggled, squeezing his hand slightly.

"It's no problem, Snake. Now, Captain Falcon is looking for you. You two were suppose to fight, right?" you asked.

He nodded and soon got up from his position, picking you up with him. He kept his hand intertwined with yours and smirked.

"Yeah, we were. I think it's time to settle it then," he replied with another wink, making you grin at him. You two then began to walk back to the garden where he was, your hands intertwined with each other.

Snake told himself to keep those words you said into his heart forever, and you were happy to always be there for him.

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