Finding Sweet Treasure - Ike x Reader

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You happily trotted alongside Ike in the Smash Mansion, excited at what you two were about to do. Ike had simply rolled his eyes, simply thinking that this was a childish thing to do, but wanted to do it since it was with you. What were you two doing you ask? Well, you two happened to go on a little treasure hunt. Ike had whipped up a map in his drawer earlier and seemed to remember from which it was from.

He knew it sounded childish, but he really wanted to do it with you, even though he tried hiding it to make it seem like he didn't actually want to. Once you heard of the news, you excitedly told him yes and you two had ended up in the halls, looking around to find anything for a clue.

After a few minutes of searching, you happened to come across Dunk Hunt Dog. You called to him and he had heard your call, making him happily run to you and stop in front of you, wagging his tail happily. You patted him on the head and said, "Hey boy. Me and Ike are on a treasure hunt and I was wondering, could you help us out for clues?"

Dunk Hunt Dog barked happily and turned around, beginning to sniff the air and floor beneath him. Once he caught a scent of something, he barked and started to walk along the smell, you following behind with a smile and Ike following with a faint blush on his face. He would be so embarrassed once you found out what the treasure was, since he was never really like this before.

He had thought of the idea long ago, but now he was thinking that you may become unhappy of the result, maybe even reject him for it. He shook his head, and tried to get those dumb thoughts out of his head. 'C'mon Ike, think positive! You cannot think negatively of how [Y/N] will react!'

He cleared his throat slightly, making you turn around to look at him. "Ike? Are you alright?" He shook his head once more to get the blush away. He looked at you with a small smile, and nodded. "I'm fine [Y/N]." You looked at him once more to make sure then nodded, turning your head back to look at Duck Hunt Dog.

Ike had sighed quietly in relief, glad you hadn't noticed the blush on his face. 'Good thing she didn't notice...'

Duck Hunt Dog had sniffed the air once more, before barking and starting to run to a room. You gasped and hurriedly followed, Ike doing the same. The dog stopped abruptly in front of a room, sitting down and wagging his tail happily. You stopped next to him with Ike next to you. You looked down at the dog and smiled before kneeling down and giving him a peck on the nose, as well as the duck.

"Thanks buddy. We can take it from here." The dog nodded and gave you a cartoon kiss before running away to the garden. You giggled and opened the door, Ike's heart racing ten times faster than usual at what will happen. Once you opened it fully, you walked into a very empty room with only one chest in the end.

Your eyes lit up at it and you ran towards it, feeling all over it. "Here it is! Wow it's so big... What's in it?!" Ike walked behind you, his blush beginning to darken within each second. You quickly opened it, surprised to see it was opened. As soon as you opened it fully, you had found a single rose inside, with a card next to it saying, "I love you." in cursive.

You slowly picked them up with both hands and blushed brightly, wondering what this was about. "Ike... What is th-" You were then caught off by very soft lips against yours. Your eyes widened to find Ike kissing you with a dark blush across his face. You had then relaxed into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck while he slid his arms around your slender waist.

After a while, you two had parted for air, a few soft breaths being heard around the empty room. You then looked back at the flower and card and held them against your chest. "I love you too..." You said while looking at him with a blush. His heart skipped a beat and he smiled sweetly, softly caressing your cheek. "I'm glad." He was happy those negative things didn't come true and he kissed you once more, never to let go of his sweet treasure.

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