Ignoring Arguements - Fox x Wolf x Male!Reader x Charizard

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Another day, another arguement.

You weren't sure why, but lately Fox, Wolf and Charizard have been arguing for the past week or so. You weren't sure why, but it was beginning to make you upset. Hanging out with them and constantly hearing them argue each and every second just wouldn't make you feel good. You wanted to get away from them for a while, though you weren't so sure.

All three of them were quite close friends of yours since you got to the Smash Mansion. Fox was the first to show you around, being quite polite and friendly. Every time you two were in a team battle together, he would always protect you, acting as your, "Hero" as he'd sometimes like to call himself.

Wolf was nice to you as well, always there for you. Though when you were in public, he sort of just tried to show as if he didn't care, or in denial. You understood why he'd be like this, so he wouldn't really show his soft side. It made you chuckle to say the least, thinking Wolf as a big softy then immediately changes to his serious state when someone's around was quite cute.

Now Charizard was honestly the nicest of them all. He would always be there to help you out whenever you needed it, and whenever you both hung out, Charizard wouldn't mind what others thought, he would continue what you two were doing and have some fun. He sometimes even let you give him rubs and pats when the others were around. Even though you also heard he was stubborn and serious, to you he was playful and obedient, and you wondered why.

But, thinking about them just made you even more upset. What could they possibly be arguing about? Who knows.

Duck Hunt to you was the one who would listen to you at times, so you decided to pay a visit to him and talk him.

While doing so, Duck Hunt would occasionally whine, then snuggle a bit with you, making you chuckle. The duck even helped by doing the same. It honestly made you feel a bit better, but not as good as that you'd be live and happy again.

Now, today, you were still avoiding them as best you could, hoping they wouldn't argue again. Suddenly, you bumped into Sheik, gasping and apologizing.

"It's nothing," said Sheik.

"Actually, I came looking for you. You're suppose to go into a battle against Ganondorf."

Your eyes widened from hearing the Evil Gerudo King's name.

"G-Ganondorf?" you replied in a shaky tone.

Sheik couldn't help but look concerned himself and nodded.

"Yes, I know it's a last second thing but, Master Hand scheduled it without telling you both. Ganondorf is already in the arena, you better head over there," Sheik said while placing a hand on your shoulder, trying to show you everything will be fine.

You looked towards Sheik and nodded with a sad smile.

"Thank you, Sheik," you told him, while making your way there.

Once you were finally at the arena, you in fact did see Ganondorf waiting impatiently on the arena. You even looked around, seeing a few of the fighters on the stands, until your eyes widened, seeing three familiar fighters there.

You gulped and cleared your throat, already feeling nervous and sweat build up from your temple. With a deep breath, you tried to confidently make your way towards Ganondorf.

Once the two of you were situated you heard the Announcer's familiar voice.

"3... 2... 1... GO!"

Ganondorf ran full speed at you, causing you to panic and dodge immediately. You missed his first attack, and became relieved but was soon panicking again once you saw him charge at you. You tried to concentrate, not wanting to loose but feeling Wolf, Fox and Charizard's eyes on you made you not concentrate and tense up.

You weren't even paying attention at that moment, because you suddenly felt the powerful impact of Ganondorf's Warlock Punch, making you fly off stage and becoming K.O.ed. The audience gasped in concern once they saw you re-spawn, but you fell down unconscious.

That punch had damaged you very badly, making Dr. Mario have to come in and get you quickly. Wolf, Fox and Charizard came down to help, not wanting their friend to go away. They had to work together to heal him up.

-Time Skip-

Your [E/C] eyes slowly opened, seeing the familiar walls of your room. You furrowed your brows in a bit of confusion, wondering what had happened before. Suddenly, you felt a soft hand-like paw place a bandage on your cheek.

Turning your head around carefully, you gasped to see it was Fox. Fox looked at you and smiled softly.

"Hey, I see you're finally awake..." he said, while softly placing another bandage on your head.

With a soft nod, you looked behind him to see Wolf and Charizard there, looking at you with happy smiles to see that you were finally awake.

"Glad to see you're finally awake, [Y/N]," Wolf said with a small grin, while Charizard growled in a bit of happiness at that, as if agreeing with his statement.

You groaned a bit and sat up.

"W-What happened? I don't remember anything..."

"Well, you had a battle with Ganondorf, so he Warlock Punched you without you knowing and you were damaged pretty badly. You... didn't even wake up when you re-spawned... and that scared us," Fox explained, while placing the last bandage on your face.

"Yeah, without you, who knows what we'd do without you..." Wolf said in a bit of an upset tone, Charizard growling in response.

Hearing those words suddenly made your heart skip a beat, seeing that your close friends deeply cared about you.

Wolf then went to the other side and held your hand gently with a small smile, Fox doing the same with your other side. Charizard stayed at the end of the bed where your feet were and nuzzled them a bit, making you chuckle.

"I-I'm sorry that I've been... ignoring you guys... I really didn't mean to... but..."

You trailed off, trying to find the right words. Wolf shook his head and squeezed your hand.

"Hey, it's fine. We were jerks so we're sorry more, right, fellas?" Wolf asked the two.

Fox nodded towards Wolf with a grin, while Charizard roared a bit and nodded as well. Suddenly, you felt small tears form at the corners of your eyes. You were glad to have them by your side, even though they'd argue a lot. Though, now that you were here, they haven't argued yet, so you hoped everything was okay now.

"Th-Thank you... all of you... I'm so glad to have you all with me," you said while trying to hold back tears.

Hugging Wolf and Fox closely, the two smiled softly and hugged you back. Charizard went up to you three and hugged all of you in a big hug.

Things would go fine with all of you, and you knew it. Knowing them, there shouldn't be any problems. Still... you kept wondering... what were they arguing about?

The answer is, they were all arguing about you, and who was closest to you more.

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