Happy Birthday! - MegaMan x Reader x Villager

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Villager hurriedly went out of the Smash Mansion, passing by a few smashers in which they became surprised at his sudden speed, wondering just what it was that he was so quick about. He continued to pump his little legs towards the shops near-by, run by Tom Nook himself. What was it that he wanted to buy in such short notice? It was simple really.

A birthday gift for [Y/N].

Yes, it was your birthday today and everyone became very excited for this day, especially you. Everyone insisted on hosting a party for this special day, but you told them no. They were quite surprised at your answer, wondering why someone wouldn't want a party for their own birthday!

You simply gave them a shrug and smile, saying, "I'd rather just spend the whole day with friends, relaxing and let loose for a while. At least not battle any matches today since it is my special day, as long as Master Hand approves of it."

In fact, Master Hand approved of your idea, and let you have the whole day off to do what you wanted. He gave you a Happy Birthday with a present from him and Crazy Hand, in which you felt honored to receive a gift from them both.

The whole day, you received so many gifts from all of the smashers, you kindly asked Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Charizard to help you carry all of them back to your room. Though, you haven't received everyone's gift quite yet, there were two special smashers who had somehow forgotten about this special day and hurriedly went to go buy you a present.

Villager had finally made it to the shop he was looking for, greeting Tom Nook quickly and hurriedly buying something that you might love. He skimmed through the whole sections of objects, clothing and treats, wondering just what it is that you would love! He thought about what you did, how you acted, what your favorite color was, your personality, everything that could symbolize you, just like how he gives presents to his furry friends back home.

Suddenly, his eyes spotted upon something that was perfect for you. He smiled widely and went to grab it, seeing that it was quite pricey but he didn't care, as long as it was for you. He took some wrapping paper along with it and went to the counter where Nook was, paying for the whole thing.

Once all of that was done, Villager took the gift and wrapping paper and carefully wrapped the present up for you, not wanting to damage any of it. As soon as he finished, he looked it over and nodded to himself with a smile, proud of his work for it. He just hoped you wouldn't be mad at him for forgetting your birthday and picking out a quick present on such short notice. He placed the gift in his trusty pocket and sighed, before carefully walking back to the Smash Mansion.

Now, another smasher was trying to find something for you as well. He had forgotten the same exact thing and he mentally slapped himself for forgetting your own birthday! MegaMan knew he was better than this! He quickly ran down the halls of the mansion and asked the others what would be a good present for you to have.

Some of them couldn't help but laugh or giggle since they knew Megaman was precious to you, and he would always blush at the mention of them saying so. Some of them told him what would be good, some even insisted on thinking about what you love to do or love. MegaMan pondered for a while, until he finally got an idea. He nodded towards the ones that helped as a thank you, and quickly made his way to the nearest shop, making them smile at him and saying it was cute of him to do something special for you on such short notice.

The two of them knew they were ready to give you their gifts, they thought it may even be the best present ever!

-Time Skip-

By the time MegaMan and Villager were ready to give you their gifts, it was night time already. You were quietly hanging around your room, since you figured that everyone gave you their share of gifts, which was a whole lot! Even the bad guys gave you something, which was surprising but flattering.

Villager and MegaMan quickly walked towards the front of your door at the same time. Seeing each other, they couldn't help but smile and wave with a hi, trying to tell each other that they had forgotten your birthday, in which they quietly laughed about since the two were close friends and were close friends to you as well.

After their small chat, Villager took a deep breath and knocked onto your door.

"Coming!" you said behind the door, shuffling out of your bed to get there. You opened it up and looked down to see them both look at you with a smile. You smiled happily back and knelt down to their level, hugging them both very tightly.

"I was wondering where you both were today! I haven't seen you all day, it got me worried," you said to them both with a slightly concerned look in your eyes, causing the two to blush a bright pink hue on their cheeks out of embarrassment. Though you couldn't help but smile and giggle a bit, seeing that they were now okay.

"So, what brings you both here?" you asked with a slight eyebrow raised.

Villager blushed lightly and looked towards MegaMan, trying to tell him that he should pull out his gift at the same time he does. MegaMan nodded in response and showed his gift to you while Villager got his out of his pocket and showed you his. You gasped in realization of what the two were giving you, and smiled happily.

"Awwwww, you two got me gifts as well! Funny, I thought you two weren't going to give me any or may have forgotten, but that was fine with me~."

They blushed darker at the comment since they in fact DID forget, but didn't want to just not give you anything. You took the two gifts out of their grasp and put them next to the pile of other gifts. You quickly went back to the door and knelt down again, smiling sweetly at them both which would always make their hearts melt.

"Now, here's a little something from me for getting me something~," you said before placing kisses on both of their cheeks as thanks. Their eyes widened in shock and their faces were colored a dark red at this sudden gesture. You giggled at how cute they both were and hugged them tightly once more, Villager and MegaMan hugging you back with a big smile.

"Thank you, Villager~. Thank you, MegaMan~. I'm very happy now since you two got me something today, and I won't forget it."

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