Best Time Of Your Lives - Mario x Reader

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"Princess-a!" Mario called out to you once again. You groaned, not even understanding why he'd always call you that. There was Princess Peach, what about her? You turned around to find him running after you. You couldn't help but smile. "Mario, how many times do I have to tell you, I'm no princess." You giggled while Mario caught his breath in front of you. He got himself back up and smiled.

"But to me you're a princess-a, [Y/N]." He said with a smile and a bit of a blush. You just giggled again and patted his head. "Whatever you say. So what is it that you need from me?" Mario thought for a while until he remembered. "Oh yeah! I was-a wondering if you'd-a like to watch me battle with a few of the-a fighters." You thought for a moment then nodded. "Sure. That sounds like fun." Mario smiled brightly and grabbed your hand. "C'mon!" He ran back to the arena with you on his tail.

Once you both made it, you saw that he was going to go up against Rosalina and Luma, Luigi and Greninja. Looked like a tough team in your opinion. Then you noticed that they were all a team and Mario is the only guy to battle them. You looked at him in worry. "Uh Mario, are you sure you can beat these guys be yourself?" Mario looked at you and nodded confidently. "Of-a course. You'll see, I'll take them all out with one move-a!" You giggled slightly but was still a bit concerned for him.

The fighters got in their positions and so did Mario. A few of the newcomers, Pac-Man, Little Mac and Wii Fit Trainer watched alongside you. You still became worried and hoped he wouldn't get hurt that much because lets face it, you kind of have a thing for Mario.

The Announcer called on the battle and the whole team charged at Mario, already giving him 75% damage. You winced at how powerful that was, still concerned.

After a few more K.Os from the team, a Smash Ball appeared. Your eyes widened and you shouted out, "Mario! Get the Smash Ball!" Mario heard your call and looked at you. You smiled at him, making his heart do a flip. He glared at the team and jumped up, hitting the Smash Ball multiple times and getting his Smash.

He used it against the opponents, making their percentage go up and they got K.O.ed. Mario grinned in satisfaction and became more confident. He wanted to win this battle for you.

The battle ended and the results were that Mario had won the battle. He jumped victoriously while the others clapped for him. You clapped in joy and ran up to Mario. "Wow! You were awesome back there Mario!" You hugged him tightly, making him blush beat red but he hugged back. He pulled away and took off his hat. "I-I did that j-just for you... M-My princess-a." He blushed darker and you blushed as well. "R-Really?" He nodded in embarrassment. "Y-Yes. That battle was just for you. So you could-a see how-a strong I am." You giggled at his statement.

Kissing him on the nose, you said, "It doesn't matter how strong you are Mario. All that matters is that you're awesome and I love you for that." You meant every word and Mario blushed deeper at your words. He put his hat back on and smiled. "I-I love-a you too... p-princess." You giggled and held your hand out for him to take. "How about we walk around a little bit? Just the two of us..."

Mario looked at your hand and nodded. He took your hand and you two walked out of the arena together. "Hey Mario, what about Princess Peach? I thought you liked her..." Mario shrugged from the thought of her. "Well... I do like-a her but not as much as you." You blushed again and nodded, happy with his answer. "I'm glad..." You squeezed his hand, him doing the same.

You and Mario had the best time of your lives together.

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