Chapter 9

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Mum and Snape exchanged worried glances.

I continued to eat.

"Rose, any plans for the summer?" Mum asked

"Hermione invited me to her house for a week. Can I go Mum?" Rose asked.

"Yes, you can. Lily has some work to get done here. Ivy what will you be up to?" Snape asked.

"Summer homework or spell practice. Im unsure which." The black haired girl shrugged.

"Ill be in my room reading. Ill stay out of your way." I stated in a monotone voice.

"Harry, why dont you keep me company?" Lily asked.

"Um...ok then." The two girls scampered off. Rose no doubt to pack. Wait, Hermione?

"Who is Hermione?" I asked at once.

"Shes Sirius' daughter and shes your age. Sorted into Ravenclaw." Mum replied.

"Let me guess, top of her class." I smiled shyly.

"How did you know?"

"Theres a Hermione where I came from. The two are the same." I shrugged.

"Hermione doesnt live with Sirius, she lives with her mother, twin sister and her mothers husband." Mum replied.

"Twin sister?"

"Yea, but shes the black sheep. She was sorted into Hufflepuff."

"Better than Slytherin." I replied.

Suddenly a knock came at the door. Mum went to answer it. "Cissy! I didnt think you could come!"

In came Narcissa Malfoy and Draco. "Hello." I shifted my weight uneasily.

"These are our neighbors. Cissy is..."

"Sirius' cousin. I know." I shot Mum a meaningful look.

"Who are you?"

"Hes our long lost son, Harry." Mim replied.

"Oh right....anyway Draco wanted to visit with his god parents. You know me, I cant deny him that." Narcissa sent me a weird expression.

I watched as Draco strode into our house. No, I refuse to go back. Im not talking to that bully.

"Can I stay with James tonight?" I made myself say.

Lily was about to answer when, "Draco!" Rose exclaimed running to hug the blonde.

Dracos face broke into a huge grin. "Rosa!" The two embraced tightly.

Lily turned to me, and silently lead me out of the room. "You dont have to leave the house. Theres more than enough room for all."

I sighed, "ok, fine. But Ill be in my room." I left before anyone could say anything.

Third Person POV

Lily watched in concern as Harry mounted the stairs. "Sev honey? Narcissa and Draco are here to see you!"

Snape came out of the kitchen holding a dish towel. "Cissy, hi!" He hugged her briefly before smiling at Draco. "Hi little Dragon!"

"Hi Uncle, I wanted to see you." Draco replied shyly.

"You are always welcome here my boy." Snape grinned.

"Thanks Uncle Sev. Can we brew together?" Draco asked.

"Lily, do you mind?" Sev chuckled.

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