Chapter 7

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"That movie was so fun Mum!" Ivy exclaimed.

Lily smiled, "im glad you liked it. Harry, would you like me to quiz you?"

"Sure." I replied.

"Excuse us girls." Lily smiled at her daughters. She lead me to her office and quizzed me on all the knowledge a 5th year should know. Lily was nodding in approval at all my answers.

"Now to the practical part." Lily explained.

I nodded at once, raising my wand and set to casting the spells my mum asked for.

Lily beamed at me in approval. When she deemed me done, she gestured for me to sit next to her. "Harry, Id like to know about your time at Hogwarts."

I blushed at once, "I didnt get the best of grades. And I got into a lot of trouble, like my father."

Lily chuckled, "My brother got several owls from McGonagall and Dumbledore. How bad could you be?"

"Ive been nearly expelled from Hogwarts...twice." I laughed sheepishly.

Lilys eyes widened, "James would approve of that. But, what happened?"

I laughed sheepishly again, "I saved my Muggle cousin from a dementor at15, at 12 I battled a basilisk."

Lilys eyes widened. "Ok, you definately have more James' impulsive nature. Why did you get put into those situations?" Lily asked.

"The dimension i came from, so many people were after me. All because I defeated someone I cant remember.
still got to see you and Dad a few times." I replied.


I waved my wand and summoned the photo album Hagrid gave me. "Hagrid gave me this first year."

"Aww! Your so cute!" Lily cooed. "Do you mean Rubeus Hagrid?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

Lily smiled, "Hes the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts. Has been for the past 25 years."

"Wait, so he gradguated from Hogwarts?" I asked wide eyed.

"Yes, Severus and I are very close with him." Lily answered.

"What about a girl named Myrtle? She was a Muggleborn." I asked quickly.


"Slytherin, I think." I scratched my head.

"Shes the History of Magic teacher." Lily answered.

"What about Binns?"

Lily made a face, "Dumbledore told him to enjoy his afterlife and not to continue teaching." What happened to Myrtle and Hagrid in your world?"

"Myrtle was killed by the basilisk and Hagrid was expelled for something he never did." I replied.


I nodded grimly.

"Did I have any siblings in your dimension?" Lily asked.

"Petunia Evens." I replied trying not to sound bitter.

"Shes my best friend, but she has no idea Im a witch." Lily blushed.

"Would you ever tell her?" I couldnt help but wonder.

Lily shook her head, "Shes not the type to understand. If I did, there would be no going back."


Suddenly a knock came. "My love, lunch is ready. Dobby just told me."

"Thank you Sev, we'll be right out." Lily shot me a smile before leaving her office.

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