Chaptee 16

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"Mum, there are no cures that I know of for cursed scars!" I called after her.

"Where is she going?" Hermione asked.

"I think I know." Snape sent me a smile and also left.

"Ok, that is so weird to see Snape smile at you." Hermione commented 

"I agree. You wanna see my new room?" I asked.

"Sure thing." Hermione replied.

I brought Hermione to my room where she gasped on awe. "I love all these books!"

I laughed, "thats so typical of you to say."

"Harry? Where are you?" Mum called.

"In my room!" I called

Mum entered carrying a bowl and a roll of bandages. "This is Essence of Murtlap infused with another magical plant that erases permanent scars."

"Really? Who grew this plant?"

"We did." Mum and Snape replied in unison.

"Did you have Professor Sprout help you?" I smiled slightly.

"Maybe so. But it helps. I only need to dip the bandages in the bowl and wrap it around your hand daily for a week. The scars should be gone by then." Mum explained.

"Amazing!" Hermione whistled. "I wish I could take some of that back with me."

"Sorry that can't happen. Your soul and the soul of our Hermiones will return to their usual bodies in..." Snape consulted "....about 20 hours. And judging by that bracelet, no one will ever be able to dimension travel again."

"Why is that?" Hermione asked.

"Because this bracelet is the only one left in existence. It supplies the wearer with one round trip to and from the so desired dimension." Snape recited.

"Hermione, when you go back, you won't remember or Harry. My husband brewed a very strong potion, it alters your memory of the last 24 hours. The other potion is to spread the rumor that Harry Potter has died as a result of dimension traveling." Mum replied.

"I won't remember my best friend?!" Tears came to Hermiones brown eyes.

"We were never friends, Hermione! Dumbles wanted to stop my intelligence. So he used you to shame me any time I showed you up in class. I saw the potions you drank that he gave you. Attraction potions, so you'd like me. Same thing Ron drank. You two were so transparent. But I was scarred  scared and lonely. So I accepted you two when I should have left you alone." I spat crossing my arms.


"No, I am done with you. I dont want to see you ever again. And in 20 hours, I won't have to."


"To Merlin if I know! Dumbledore here, never told me. Except that Lily Snape is dead and my father is dead!" Hermione shrieked. "Im trapped here for another 20 hours. I can't wait to get home. Rose and my family must be so worried!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Lily....Snape?!" Everyone chourased

Hermione rolled my eyes, "yes. The two fell madly on love."

"What about James?"

"Hes her fraternal twin brother." Hermione replied causing the group to gasp.

More was going to be said when the door opened and in came Tonks.

"Hello everyone." Tonks announced.

"Dora!" Hermiones eyes brightened and she ran to the woman hugging her tight.


"Did you just call me Dora?!" Tonks hair turned dark red.

Hermione pulled away, "I am so sorry! I forgot myself."

Tonks looked closely at Hermione and her eyes widened, "Who are you?!"

"Hermione Black daughter of Sirius Black and Andromeda my dimension. You are my older half sister, married to Remus Lupin." Hermione replied.

"Im....Merlin! I have kids with Remus?!" Tonks breathed.

"Teddy and Cassie."

"Why are you here?" Tonks demanded.

"I swapped lives with your Hermione...for some reason." Hermione shrugged.

"Do you know why?" Molly demanded.

Hermiones mind flew to this mysterious Harry she was warned not to mention.

"I already told you I had no idea!" Hermione huffed. "I hope Irene's ok without me!"

"Irene?" Tonks asked.

"My twin sister." Hermione replied . "Uh your other half sister."

"My mum snagged Sirius?!" Tonks screamed. "Thats incest!"

"Andromeda and Sirius aren't together! Sirius is married to James Potter, and your mother is still married to Ted Tonks. The Ministry cant lock up Sirius' cousin, or else, let's just say Sirius will bring on the hell. No one wants to piss off Sirius Black." Hermione shrugged.

"Wait, Sirius and James are married?!" Tonks asked wide eyed 


"How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"Dora- Tonks look at my eyes. What color are they?" Hermione asked 

Tonks stared at the girl and gasped. "Sirius' grey eyes! Our Hermione has chestnut brown eyes."



I could tell Hermione felt crushed, but that was 5 years of pent up anger I just unleashed. And I don't ever plan on seeing her again. Maybe this Hermione will be better...maybe.

"Harry, I understand why you don't like Hermione but..."

"Mum, if I'm nice to her now, it will only make it harder once the 20 hours are up and she returns home. Better it hurt now then later. Your vengeful sister taught me that." Harry replied.

"I see. This will be an awkward 20 more hours." Mum replied.

"I agree."

Twenty hours came and gone, we prepared to receive this dimension Hermione. Brown eyed Hermione drank the potion to spread the rumor about me being dead. "Now put the more potion in your mouth but don't swallow!" Mum warned.

Hermione did as she was told.

"Keep it in you mind, Harry Potter is dead." Snape reminded her.

Hermione nodded again. Suddenly a white light appeared around my ex friend. When the light dimmed I saw a Hermione with lower curls and grey eyes.

"Are you Hermione Black?" Mum asked.

"Lily, Severus, where is Rose?!" Hermione asked at once.

"Shes back." Mum and Snape chourased.


When the 20 hours were up, a white light engulfed Hermione for a second. When it vanished, Hermione stood there. She swallowed deeply.

"State your name." Molly warned brandishing her wand.

"Hermione Granger, and ....Harry Potter died going to the other dimension." Hermione stated coldly.

"No!!" Everyone in Grimmauld Place wailed.

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