Chapter 13

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"So what I swap identies with this other me and find Harry. Then I convince him to return?" Hermione asked looking between the scowling Snape and the worn out Headmaster.

"Yes." Both men said in unison.

"How can I be sure to return?"

"You will as long as you have on this bracelet. The interdimensional travel is blocked, but the bracelet allows one person through. There is no telling where you will end up." Dumbledore warned.

"Anything to help my friend." Hermione replied.

Dumbledore waved his wand, a bright light surrounded Hermione and it was gone.

"Rose? Rosie?" Hermione asked frantically looking around. Her eyes landed on Snape and she grinned. "Oh where is your daughter?"

Snape looked ready to explode, but a slight touch from Dumbldeore stopped him. "Hermione?"

The girl looked at Snape worry in her eye. "You swapped lives temporarily with another Hermione. You are not in your own dimension. I know this may come as a shock, but its true."

Hermione shook her head. "So, where is my father?"

Both men looked at each other confused.

"Sirius Black?" Hermione demanded.

Jaws dropped open, "Hermione, you landed in a very different world than where you came from." Dumbledore explained.

"I get that now Sir." Hermione huffed.

"You landed in our Hermiones body and life. Here you are not Sirius Blacks daughter, but the only daughter of two Muggle dentists." Dumbledore explained.

"So Im a Muggle born?" Hermiones eyes widened. "Hmm...interesting. Tell me more about this"

"You are the top student of your year, a good for nothing know it all." Snape sneered. "You are currently fancying Ronald Weasley."

Hermione gasped in shock, "ugh, that scardy cat Hufflepuff? What in the magical world would I see in him?"

"I have no idea. Teenagers and their hormones." Snape rolled his eyes.

"The Hermione you landed in is 15 years old." Dumbledore added.

"Please tell me its summer holidays here to!" Hermione gasped.

"It is." Dumbledore replied.

"Im only 13, not up to level of a NEWT student yet. Although, I can learn it fast if needed. Do you require me to mascarde as your Hermione for however long Im here?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, and it wont be long. In 23 hours, you will be back in your own dimension." Snape sneered.

"Why are you so mean? The um...other you is so happy and joyful." Hermione stated.

"The love of my life died 14 years ago." Snape replied.

Hermione gasped, "Lily?"

"Still as bright as ever." Snape nodded. "And her toerag husband, James."

"Im sorry who?"

"James Potter."

"Lily married.... eww!" Hermione exclaimed disgusted.

"They are not siblings here!" Snape corrected at once. "Lilys surname here was Evens and she has a bitter older sister named Petunia Dursley."

"So...Lily is-was a Muggleborn like apparently I am." Hermione stated looking confused.

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