Chapter 26

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"she's good, but those kids keep her busy." Dad replied.

"I hope she doesn't get sick." Grandad stated.

"Nah, she's immune now."

"Did she hex you when she found out you have a son?" Grandmum asked

"She wanted to, but she relented."

We left not long after.

"I told you they'd love you." Dad said reassuringly.

"I'm not used to people liking me. It's just new. All of it is." I admitted.

"Let's go home, Sirius is waiting for us." Dad took hold of my hand.


"Tell me, I heard you left the room when a boggart came out. Why?" Dad asked when we got home.

"My boggart is a dementor and it...I hear Mums voice begging Voldemort to kill her and not me. It's just tramatizing to hear. I thought that was over."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What happened to me?"

"You had no chance. You told Mum to run and we're killed in an instant. It's because Mum died for me that I was protected. The killing curse rebounded on him." I replied.

"I wish things would have been different for you."

"I know."

"Hey you two, dinner is ready!" Sirius called.

"That's one of your worst memories then? Hearing your mother beg to save you." Dad shivered.


"Ooh creepy."

"What is?" Sirius asked poking his head into the room.

"Nothing!" I said at once.

"We're coming Sirius honey." Dad called before placing a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me into the dinning room.

"So you met the Potters, what did you think?" Sirius asked.

"I think they're very nice. I wish I knew them when I was younger." I replied wistfully.

"You have us all now, and that's all that matters." Dad replied.

I smiled at the pair before digging into the food. "I never knew you were such a chef!"

"My mum hated that I wanted to learn a Muggle task. But she relented, knowing her father, Orion would never disown me as the Black heir." Sirius winked. "Besides I didn't want to be completely useless."

I nodded in understanding. "I wish I had the choice of when I started cooking." I mumbled ducking my head. I missed the look Dad and Sirius sent each other.

"You have a talent other's envy because you started young. I mean none of the Pureblooded hairs know how to make a meal. They order their house elves to make it." Sirius pointed out.

"That's true, thanks Sirius."

After dinner Sirius asked if I wanted to go flying again. I declined and instead went to my new room. I began reflecting about what's happened.

I can't help but wonder if this is all a dream. I'll wake up in Number 4 Privet Drive feeling alone and depressed. I shook my head, don't think like that. Everyone said I'm here to stay for good. If I ever return it will only be in my dreams.

"Harry, what are you up to?" Dad called poking his head into my room.

"Just reading."

Dad smiled, "just like Lily. Don't stay up too late."

I nodded as Dad retreated. About 45 minutes later, the door to Dads and Sirius' room had shut for the night.

I laid down in my bed and smiled at my good fortune. For the first time ever, I believed that I deserve a family, I deserve to be loved and accepted by others. I laid down and closed my eyes.

My happiness didn't last long. I found myself in the Dursley house. How did  end up here?! I cast those memories away. Didn't I? I stayed in the cupboard under the stairs as I heard Vernon yelling loudly.

Then to my horror, the door opened and I was dragged out into the bright light. The whale was yelling at me as he began to hit me with his cursed leather belt.

I refused to show any weakness and took it in stride. I breathed in deeply knowing it's only a dream.

"Harry, wake up! Wake up!" A man called from far away. He sounded urgent but not angry like Vernon always is.

Then to my surprise, I felt water sprayed on me. My eyes snapped open. Privet drive vanished. I saw Dads hazel eyes looking at me concerned.

I remained silent, rubbing my back subconsciously. A few tears escaped my eyes.

"Harry?" Dads sleepy rasp came through.

I didn't meet his eyes, but ran my hand over my back again. Only to feel it smooth again.

"Harry? Please look at me. I want to be sure you're awake." Dad pleased.

I did as I was asked, parts of my nightmare still lingering. Like the sting of that leather belt. "I'm awake. Go back to sleep." I laid down and turned away from Dad.

"We all have nightmares. It's nothing to be ashamed of." Dad stated.

I didn't answer, asore tears left my eyes. When will I ever shake the bad memories? I took a deep breath and closed my eyes

"Good night Harry, we will always be here. Should you ever need us." Dad whispered before leaving.

I fell into an uneasy sleep. The pain on my back lingering. My next dream was different. I found myself face to face with someone familiar.

"Harry?!" The man asked.

"Dad?!" I asked.

"Yes, it's me!"  The man replied running up to me.

"You know me then?"

"I do. I'm happy you found a place where you belong." My real dad hugged me tight. "What's wrong?"

"It's my mind. I just can't seem to be happy for long. The bad memories keep returning." I sighed drinking in the man who knew me since I was a baby.

"As Sirius for help. You must be really upset if you summoned me. Usually spirits aren't allowed into dreams unless needed badly." Dad stated.

I hesitated, "the world I'm in is so different. I have another version of you and Mum."

"We know. We're watching you, and we're so proud of the wizard you're becoming." Dad stated.

I burst into tears and hugged the man tightly. Dad stroked my head gently. "I know all the pain you suffered, and it wasn't fair."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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