Chapter 2: Unidentified Wizard

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I looked at the sandy haired man in front of me. He looked like the Remus I knew and yet he wasn't. His face no longer bore those three long scars that ran diagonally from his hairline to his chin. I narrowed my eyes, "Are you Remus Lupin?"

"Yes, I am." Remus answered.

This is amazing, Remus didn't know me! How I had always wished to have a clean sate with this man. He was always nice to me, but after I got Sirius killed, he became increasingly cold to me. "Is uh...Sirius Black around by any chance?" I was hoping that Sirius would be alive in this world or dream. Things like this dont happen to me, ever.

Remus raised an eyebrow, "Sure, Sirius is here. He's interning to be Charms professor. Come with me."

It took everything I had to not break out grinning and jumping for joy.

"Sirius?" Remus knocked on the Charms classroom door.

"Yes, Moony?" Sirius' deep familiar voice rang out. He opened the door, and I couldnt help myself, I threw my aching arms around him. He looked so much better than when I last saw him.

"Whoa, little one." Sirius chuckled. "Who are you?"

"That's what I was trying to figure out. Can you tell us your name?" Remus asked while Sirius let us inside.

"Harry." I mumbled.

"You look very familiar to me Harry, who are your parents?" Remus asked

I clamped my mouth shut. I didnt mention my parents much in my world, but when I did, Remus would tend to grimace at me.

"Remus, Sirius, are you in there? The girls want you!" A woman called from the other side of the door.

"Who is that?" I asked groaning slightly.

Sirius' grey eyes became concerned when he saw me look uncomfortable. "are you ok?"

I became increasingly quiet while Remus opened the door.

In came a woman with red hair and green eyes identical to mine. when she turned, I knew who she was. "What are you boys still doing here?! I thought you were going home to Dora, Remus!" The woman chuckled slightly.

"Come on, give us a break, just because you are a mother does not make you our mother." Sirius smiled affectionately.

"We were chatting with Harry here. I found him in a deserted classroom crying for some reason." Remus shrugged.

The red haired woman looked at me. "Hello Harry, I'm Lily Potter."

I just looked at Lily in shock. I shook my head, "No, I have to be dreaming here. This isn't real!"

Lily and Sirius exchanged looks of worry. "Harry, who are your parents?"

A redhaired girl about 13 came running in. "Mum! I thought you said we'd be leaving by now!"

Lily laughed, "Yes Rose dear, I know. But somethings come up. This boy has appeared out of no where and we're trying to identify who his parents are."

"Do the inheritance test." The new girl shrugged.

"Damn why didn't I think of that? You are your father's daughter." Lily smiled while she summoned a piece of parchment.

Sirius summoned a knife and I knew my secret was about to be blown wide open. "Do you have to know who I am?"

Lily frowned at me, "Of course, we need to return you to your family! They must be worried sick!"

I shook my head, thinking of the Dursleys. "My family never cared." Suddenly, Dumbledore appeared and I knew to avoid his piercing blue eyesm "I don't want anyone to know me. I'm not supposed to be here!"

Dumbledore then tried to get into my mind. "Sop it!" I yelled clutching my head. "I had Snape teach me how to block out attacks, so It would be best you don't try again." that made everyone gasp.

"How do you know my husband?" Lily demanded.

My eyes widened, "Your...husband?!"

The door opened and in came Snape and a black haired girl. "My love, what is taking so long?" Snape asked coming in to kiss Lily.

"Severus, can you hep us find out who this boy is?" Dumbledore asked.

Snape turned to me and gasped. "I know exactly who he is."

I was surprised he didn't sneer at me like he usually does.

"who?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Black, we need your husband here first." Snape stated.

"why would you need James?" Sirius asked

"Just do it." Snape rolled his eyes.

Sirius summoned Padfoot and relied the message. Seconds later, James Potter tumbled out of the fireplace.

"Sirius, honey, is everything Ok? Your message had me worried!" James hugged Sirius tightly.

"Good everyone is here, now Harry, you have to tell everyone who you are." Snape replied in a gentle voice. One very different than I grew up knowing.

I sighed, "fine, I am Lily and James' son from another dimension."

Only Dumbledore and Snape seemed neutral.

"I need proof, do you mind, Harry?" James took the knife from Sirius' hand and grabbed my wrist.

I shook my head in reply as James slashed my palm open. He then took a drop of my blood and put it onto the parchment supplied. After saying the incantation words began to appear:

Harry James Potter

DOB: July 31, 1981

Mother: Lily Marie Potter (dead)

Father: James Charles Potter (dead)

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black (dead)

Guardians: Vernon & Petunia Dursley

Lily whimpered when she saw her sister's name. She was about to touch me, when her eyes scanned me. "You are coming with me, Severus, Ivy, and Rose please join us." She took my arm and marched me to the Hospital Wing.

when Sirius, Remus and James tried to follow, she shooed them away.

"Excuse me Lily, but Harry is my son too." James replied.

"This is not the concern of a father here. Harry needs me, I'm the only one certified in Healing to help him." Lily replied.

James looked ready to protest when Sirius took his arm and lead him away. "Fine."

Lily lead me and her family to the hospital wing.

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