Chapter 20

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"How many people are you ok with knowing the truth about me?" I asked feeling a tad queasy 

"What did you tell her?" Mum asked

"To ask you or Snape or Dad her questions." I mumbled.

"Hmm...good thinking. If I have to, I'll confund her. She is s good ally Harry. But this is a private family matter." Mum sighed heavily.

"I do not want fame on me. I've had enough of it for a lifetime." I stated.

"I promise, it will be a secret. No worries. Now, please don't be late for potions." Mum smiled

"Yes Aunt Lily." I smiled

Luckily for me, I wasn't late and Snape paired me with a new Ravenclaw I never met before.

"Hi I'm Levi, you're Harry aren't you?" He asked 

I nodded, unsure what Snapes like in this world.

However, the last few classes have proven to me that this Snape is nothing like he one I left behind.

"Ive noticed how quiet you are." Levi commented

I didn't bother answering. I continued on with my potion. All classes here are different. None of these kids have the same urgency like the dimension I came from. They are carefree and fun.

The rest of the day passed like usual. I try not to talk to anyone until I get used to the main information in this world.

At dinner, I was once again joined by Rose, Ivy and Hermione.

"Do you ways sit together?" I asked

"Interhouse mingling is encouraged." Hermione answered.

"Not that I don't appreciate the company. I think its best if I try and talk to those in my Year. I am two years older and all." I stated.

"Oh, right." Ivy stated.

"Its just...hard to remember." Rose blushed.

"Thats ok." I smiled.

"When do you get your OWLS results?" Hermione asked.

"Uh.... I think it a few days. I need to check." I replied.

"Uh Harry?" Rose stated


"You need to reapply the charm. To make your eyes hazel. The green is coming back." Ivy whispered.

Quickly I ducked undrr the table and whipped my wand out. I murmered the spell and then slowly came back up. "Rose, Ivy ! My eyes are they..."

"Hazel, you're good." Rise stated holding out her hand.

"Thanks. I don't want another mistake like that again." I returned tmyseat only for the whole hall to be strings me.

I laughed loudly. "Whoops dropped my fork. Clumsy me."

The hall went back to their meals and once again I cant help but feel uneasy that maybe I don't belong here.


My bedtime routine has changed since coming here. Now that I'm allowed to use magic whenever I please, I've been casting powerful silencing charms upon the vicinity of my bed. Night time is harder than I wish to admit. I don't need Mum or Snape worrying about me.

I got in and once again entered my personal nightmares. The dementors attacking me or witnessing Cedric dying over and over again.

I wake up with a start as usual and then try in vain to return go sleep, but its hopeless. If I do fall asleep again, I run the risk of my silencing charms expiring, and all my new roommates will hear the horrors I've lived through. Mum or McGonagall will be called and I will once again be in the spotlight.

I recanted the powerful silencing charms in hopes they will remain in tact until morning. However just as I began to fall asleep, the dormitory door opened.

"Are you sure you heard Potter?" A woman whispered.

My eyes widened. "Im positive Professor." A boy whispered.

I rolled my eyes, not now! In order to show I'm OK, I put glamors on myself so I don't look as exhausted as I feel. I honestly think it's the castle itself. The Quidditch grounds is where I returned with Cedric dead. When I was home with Mum and Snape, the nightmares weren't anywhere near as bad. Even the strongest Sleping Potion can't wait off the nightmares.

"He ses to be asleep just fine." McGonagall scoffed.

"Wait! Don't you feel the energy? There are silencing charms here!" The boy insisted.

Uh-oh, I'm gonna hear about this in the morning.


I opened my eyes the next morning feeling like I usually do, tired. I've tried and failed to make friends in my year. I don't speak to any of my dormmates.


"What?" I asked turning to Keith I believe?

"I didn't want to rat you out to McGonagall  but I've been worried about you. I hear you sometimes, talking in your sleep." Keoth stated.

At once i blushed a deep red. "I appreciate your concern. My apologies if I kept you up."

"Harry, you didnt."

"Good to know, I'm starving." I quickly slipped past him and headed for the Great Hall.

I ate breakfast by myself. I chased my sisters off because they aren't really my sisters, or half sisters. Besides rumors will begin if a Sixth Year is seen a lot with Fourth Years.

I have been eating more. The glamor I have on require a lot of energy, that I'm not getting from sleep. I laughed to myself that I'm like Ron from my own dimension- always eating.

I have thought about Mums words of advise, to cast away all the bad memories. But if i did that, I'd loose more than half my memories. The bad needs to exist so I'm appreciative of the good that happens in life.

As I was leaving the table, Rose stopped me. "We need to talk."

"So talk please." I replied gathering up my bag.

"Not here, somewhere private."

"Fine. Meet me in the ROR during lunch." I hissed.


"Outside the 7th floor across from Barnabas the Barmy." I replied before leaving for my classes.

I should have known that not many students know about the ROR. I didn't, until Dobby told me last year.

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