Chapter 21

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I sat waiting patiently during lunchtime across from Barnabas the Barmy on the 7th floor. I stopped by the kitchens to get a stock on lunch since I don't think the Room provides food.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked Rose.

"Sorry, they all wanted to join." Rose winced looking back at the group that came.

Ivy, Hermione and Irene.

"What in Merlins name are we doing here?" Hermione asked impatiently.

"Please step back." I replied and walked in front of the empty wall three times. I told the Room that I wanted a place where no teachers could find us.

All three girls gasped and I knew the door came into existence. "Welcome ladies to the Room of Requirement."

We entered a cozy sitting area surrounded by books. I knew Hermione would appreciate that.

"Ok, wow. Harry, there have been rumors." Rose looked worried.

"When is there not? But go on." I sat down in a soft armchair.

"We want to know about your nightmares." Ivy interjected.

I glanced at the twins in the room. "Im sorry, but this is a personal matter. So do you mind?"

"Of course not!" Hermione and Irene got up and bolted for the door.

As soon as the door closed, I turned to face my younger sisters- half sisters.

"You do not want to know, trust me." I stated.

"If you don't tell us, we will involve our mother, Dad and maybe yours." Ivy stated.

"Fine, go ahead. I'm not telling you what has happened. You are both too young to know the horrors I've experienced. I never want you to feel the pain that I have. I've lost a good few family members and friends. I may have my parents here, but nothing is familiar to me." I walked out of the room and went back to the dormitory.

I have a lot of thinking to do. The bell rang and I headed to Remus' DADA class. When we entered there's a single wardrobe and Remus in front.

Oh no, not again. Who knows what my biggest fear is now? Cedric dead? Vernon and Dudley saying I'm worthless? Voldemort finally being able to kill me? Or my newish family shunning me because of my traumatizing past?

Remus announced like before that a boggart is in the wardrobe. I shuddered to think what would come out of there now.


I jumped to attention.

"Yes, sir?"

"What is a boggart?"

"A magical creature that has the ability to take shape of your deepest fear." I trembled slightly

"Correct. Know how yo defeat it?" Remus asked

"Laughter. A funny memory in mind with the right spell." I replied trying to not sound afraid.

"Do you know the spell?"


"25 points to Gryffindor."

I didn't smile, I Beyond terrified, so I went to the back of the classroom. None of my classmates fears are any worse than the first time around.

Then came my turn. Last time I wanted yo fight it, now i don't. I stood still and refused to move.

"Something wrong Harry?"

I heard a few laughs from behind me, but i ignored them. "I cant do it, Professor."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"No I know I can't do it. I want to try, but....i cant." I released a sharp breath

"Theres no shame in being afraid." Remus stated

"I know, im not afraid of my boggart. I just think everyone here will be afraid of it. How will screams of terror help me concentrate?" I asked pointedly.

Remus' eyebrows shot up. "Ok. You are exempt from the task...for now. You will be facing the boggart thi weekend."

"Fair enough for me." I replied as politely as possible.


"Is it true you refused to face the boggart?" Rose asked at dinner.

"I know the whole school is buzzing. I don't care. I'd rather think I'm a coward than a..." I trailed off.

"Than?" Ivy asked


"The Quidditch match is coming up soon. Won't that be fun?" Rose asked.

A longing pang hit my stomach. "Yea real fun."

"Why didnt you face the boggart? Are you afraid?" Ivy asked 

"No not at all."

"Then what?" Rose asked.

"Everyone else will be afraid. I'm done being the sole hero of the world. I'm human too, and it's not always nice to be reminded of that." I got up and stalked off towards the library.

"Harry?" A woman called.

Uh oh, Mum. I stopped short and Mun cane to lead me away. "Im worried about you. We all are."

"I know. Would you like to see me repel my boggart?" I asked surprising myself 

"You didn't face it?"

"No. Not unless I wanted my class to run screaming from the room. I can do it, I've done it. I'm just....not sure what it'll be now that I'm older." I replied.

"Understood. I'd like to join you." Mum replied.


"We also need to talk about your nightmares." Mum added

"I know, there's nothing we can do about it. I've tried for a few years. I've been managing as best as I can." I replied.

"I think maybe now, we will do the best I can." Mum smiled.

I smiled in reply.

The weekend came by much faster than I had hoped. Remus allowed  me to face a boggart again.

I took a deep breath, as the door swung open and out appeared a bunch of dead bodies of all i care about. "Wow, was not expecting this." I said the spell and the dead bodies disappeared.

Remus and Mum exchanged looks, "Harry...."

"Id rather not explain, please."

"Ok. We'll let you be."

I sent them a grateful smile before leaving.


I was walking alone when someone came up to me. I was ready to snap at them when I saw it's Ron. "Im not in the mood right now."

Ron raised an eyebrow. "I was only checking in on you."

"Why would you do that?" I asked wearily. 

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