Chapter 24

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"Its the new Potter kid!" George exclaimed

I smiled shyly.

"Guess you heard about our pranking nature and you've come to check us out?" Fred asked.


George surveyed me closely. "Just because your Potters son doesn't mean you are already in with us. You need to prove you can prank with us."

"How do I do that?"

"Prank ol' Snape in a creative way that gets a lot of attention. We'll come find you afterwards. You have 2 days." Fred explained.



I scratched my head thinking hard. Ooh I got it! Dye the man's hair in the Great Hall bright red! Now, how to do it so it's surprising and fun?

The idea came, now comes the part of putting it into action.

A day later, all was normal in the Great Hall when suddenly Snape picked up a potion bottle only for it to explode in his hands in a puff of red confetti. Wherever the confetti touched, it turned him bright red.

I covered my mouth to keep my amusement at bay. While the other students roared in laughter. Of course when Snape tried to wipe it away, he only spread the red around.

Snape smiled and released a loud laugh. "Ok nice prank. Whoever has done this, please reveal yourself and you will get 20 points to your house for a great potion."

McGonagall stood up and waved her wand, returning Snape to normal.

The Hall fell silent, but I didn't move. It could be a trap. I caught the eye of the Weasley twins and motioned for them to step forward.

"Fred made the potion, sir!" George announced.

"But George was the one who made it so you couldn't get it off!" Fred retorted.

Snapes laugh only got louder, "I should have known! 40 points in total to Gryffindor. And watch out boys. This challenge will not go....unanswered."

My eyes bugged out. Since when do the teachers like pranks?

I was walking to class when a hand pulled me aside. "About time you contacted me."

"Sorry, we've been on the lookout for Snapes retaliation. Brilliant by the way." Fred smiled

"We applaud you. Now our next target is...McGonagall and Sprout." George said in a low whisper.

"Excellent!" I smirked

"Your in." The twins said in unison.

I beamed. "Cool which teacher should I take?"

"We think Sprout will be a good teacher for you. You don't see her outside of classes and you need to research the person before pulling a prank. You have 3 days to do so." Fred sniggered

"Ooh I love a challenge." I smiled.

I was at dinner when an owl came soaring into the Hall. The owl had a letter for me.

"Who's it from?" Levi asked

"My dad." I answered.

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