Chapter 19

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Before dinner began, I headed to the hospital wing.

"Madam Snape?" I called.

Mum poked her head behind a curtian. "Harry! What are you doing here?"

"Uh...I came for a Dreamless Sleep Potion level 5, please." My face turned very hot.

"Level 5?! That's the strongest there is." Mum gasped.

"I know, but its the only thing strong enough to keep the nightmares away." I protested.

Mum sighed, "we have to do something about them. Why dont you cast those bad memories away?"

"I don't own a pensive, Mum." I whispered.

"Your father does. Here..." Mum summoned a couple flasks then snapped her fingers. "Go on and extract those bad memories."

"I'll do it later, thanks....Madam Snape."

"Your welcome, my boy." Mum ruffled my hair before releasing me.


"Who here can cast a patronus?" Lupin asked.

My hand went up at once. Lupin smiled and gestured for me to do so. Out of my wand burst a silver stag.

I saw all my classmates whisper in excitement. Now Ill be known for something else, besides surviving the killing curse.

"Who taught you that, Harry?" Lupin asked.

"A very good teacher. At my old school, dementors were stationed on the grounds for protection. But we all know they don't protect. My teacher insisted on teaching me. " I explained.

Lupins eyebrow went up in confusion. "I see. Well, Harry is far ahead in this area. Perhaps you'd like to assist me?"

"Of course, Professor."

Throughout the class, I encouraged my classmates to think of powerfully happy memories.

"Hold back a moment, Harry." Lupin said when class had finished. "So, who was the teacher?"

"You, sir." I whispered.

Lupin looked confused, "from your original dimension you mean?"

"Yea. You were a good friend, until I got Sirius killed. Then you turned cold." I explained.

"What?" Remus asked shocked.

"Its ok. It's obvious you care for your friends. It just hurt that you held me accountable because Sirius chose to go after me." I released a loud breath.

"Harry...." Remus looked conflicted

"Its ok, I've forgiven you a long time ago." I cut across. "I just don't want everyone here to know I can cast a patronus."

"I understand."

"Thanks. Mum and Dad have been worried, I can tell. I have a lot of....ghosts that are following me around." I explained.

"I can see that. I'm sorry for what the other me has done to you. But can you give me a chance?" Lupin asked.

"Yes. You are my fathers friend. And besides I'm not the type to hold grudges." I sent the man a smile.

"Im glad Harry. I'm sorry for what the other me has done."

"I know. It's OK." I left the room and walked off to the Potions room.

By the time lunch came, my sisters scared me. "I heard about your patronus, so amazing!" Rose exclaimed.

"Oh, yea I taught a lot of my friends in know where." I glanced around nervously.

"We dont learn that spell until we're 17! How old were you when you taught your friends?" Ivy asked

"This past year where I uh..came from." I replied. I glanced at the Hufflepuff table and spotted Rons red hair in an instant.

"Who are you looking at?" Ivy followed my line of sight.

"My uh...old friend. He wasn't a real friend but..." I sighed uneasily. Here, the Weasleys have no idea who I am. I miss the quirks of Fred and George. "Nevermind. Do you two know Fred and George Weasley?"

"Weasley? Don't you mean Prewitt?" Rose cocked her head.


"They are the twins of Gidion Prewitt, older brother to Mrs. Molly Weasley." Ivy explained

"Oh.. right. I'm used to my orriginal place." I blushed

Rose and Ivy exchanged looks, "it must be so weird for you. Everything is upside down."

"Yeah, it is." I nodded. I can't help but think that Snape being nice to me, I'll never be used to that.

I turned back to my meal while Rose released a squeal. I turned and saw Hermione join Rose on the bench.

"Hi." Hermione kissed Roses cheek. "Harry."

"Hermione." I nodded and turned back to my meal.

I can't stay around those younger than me. I need to branch out. I was about to leave for class when McGonagall stopped me.

"Mr. Potter, please come with me. " She lead me into her office, and now tge nerves are setting in.

"Professor, whats going on?" I asked

"Your story doesn't seem to make sense to me." She peered at me closely and I shifted slightly.

Mum, Dad and Snape have all agreed that I appear to be James' son. No one knows who my mother is.

"In what way Professor?" I asked. "If you have questions you should ask Aunt Lily, Uncle Severus dad, James."

"Its just...I happen to know James came out of the closet when he graduated. Sirius was the ladies man. So, how did you plop into existance?" McGonagall surveyed me with her stern expression.

I refused to rise to her bait. Mum and Snape thought it best to keep it secret that I appeared here from another dimension.

"Like I said Professor, please ask my dad, or my aunt and uncle. They are a few feet away. Now, if you please excuse me. I don't want to be late to your class." I got up and stared hard at the witch.

"Of course not, Potter."

I noticed McGonagall kept an annoyingly close eye on me. I was able to successfully cast my Transfiguration spells, unlike in my past dimension. Maybe releasing Voldemorts soul within me has allowed my full magical potential to come forward.

When class let out, I headed to the Hospital Wing. "Madam Snape?"

Mum poked her head out and smiled af me. "Harry! Uh-oh, what's wrong?"

"Are you friends with McGonagall?" I asked quickly.

"Not as close as I'd like to. Why?"

"Shes onto me."

"What?" Mum asked. "Oh, that's a problem. I thought Dumbledore told her. She is his Deputy and all."

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