Chapter 15

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"Ok. Who are your best friends....Hermione?" Molly asked.

"Cho and Rose. No one has told me why im here. Can you tell me more about your Hermione?"

"Sure thing. Hermione is a sweet, intelligent and caring witch. Very bright." Molly answered.

"Hermione fancies me. This past year you-uh she suggested we learn defensive magic since no one was teaching us." Ron explained.

"We uh... had a battle with Death Eaters a few weeks ago." Ginny replied 

"Death Eaters?" Hermione asked. "They don't exist in my dimension."

"Consider yourself lucky." Arthur shuddered.

"Can I get your names? I know you are the Weasleys, but I never knew any of you." Hermione blushed.

The twins stood up and said together, "we're Feed and George, prankster kids who love a laugh. Our mum, Molly who is the best chef that ever existed. Our dad, Arthur he works at the Ministry with Muggles. Our younger brother Ronald whom you fancy but none of us know why. And our baby sister Ginny."

Hermione smiled, "Nice to meet all of you."


As soon as Andy left, Sirius made an excuse and did the same.

"Now, where were we?" Mum asked.

"Uh...I was telling you that I faced the man who murdered you time and tme again?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, right."

"Here, just look at these." I put my wand to my temple and drew out highlights of each year. "Just as a warning, its not easy to watch. And, I had no one to help me."

Mum looked at me worried. She provided me with a flask to put the memories in. "Come on Sev, we should watch these."

"Actually, I already know them. From the other me. I'll stay with Harry and everyone. You go watch them." Snape suggested.

"Ok "

"Why are you nervous for Mum to see your memories?" Rose asked.

"A lot of them are not happy." I mumbled.

"Harrys right." Hermione agreed.

"What about this past year, what adventure did you have?" Snape asked.

"I uh...." I glanced at Hermione.

"Go on and explain, they are your family after all." She replied.

"Apparently Voldemort and I were connected. I was told I had a piece of Voldemort inside me. This allowed me to feel what Voldemort was feeling, and sometimes see visions of his actions. I had just completed my OWL exams when
..." I trailed off.

"Yes?" Snape asked.

"When...I saw Sirius in the Department of Mysteries being tortured by Voldemort himself. I was beyond frantic, so I made  contact to where I knew he was to see if he was ok. No one answered. I then raced to my friends and gathered up therstles so we could fly to London and save Sirius. It dosnt work, a battle broke out and...Sirius was killed by his deranged cousin Bellatrix." I growled. "It was all my fault."

"No Harry, it wasn't. How were you supposed to know that vision wasn't true?" Snape asked.

"Hermione mentioned it, but I refused to listen. I actually have you to thank." I turned to Snape.


"Yes, You made contact with the Order when you found out my friends and I were missing." I replied.

More was going to be said when Mum appeared looking very sad.

"Lily!" Snape ran and embraced her tightly. "What is it?"

Mum wiped her eyes, "how did you do it? Time and time again? When you never got a thank you for all that you've done?!"

I chuckled uneasily. "I wanted the world to remain free. Thats what."

"I need to heal your hand." Mum said abruptly

"You cant, I have those scars forever." I replied.

"Watch me." Mum replied fiercely and she left the room.


"You said you have a twin. Whats her name?" Fred asked

"Irene, except shes in Hufflepuff along with Ronald the scardy cat. Shes the black sheep,  with everyone in my family being in Ravenclaw." Hermione replied.

"Wait, I thought Tonks was in Hufflepuff." Arthur frowned.

"She may be in this dimension, but not in mine." Hermione replied.

"Ok, tell me about Draco Malfoy. Where is he?"

Hermione cocked her head, "there's Draco Black and he's in Ravenclaw same as me. Hes a shy humble boy with a love for potions. He lives near the Snapes and I see him here and there."

Rons jaw dropped. "So he's not a bragging prat?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but he's another one of my friends." Hermione admitted.

"It seems a world without Voldemort is a happier and peaceful place." Arthur looked nervous.

"Who is this Voldemort?" Hermione asked.

"A wizard who dabbled in Dark Magic. He's a maniac. If he's in control, no Muggle borns or Blood Traitors will ever be safe. That includes our whole family." Arthur sighed.

"Blood Traitors?"

"Wizards and witches who sympathize with Muggles. Dad here loves Muggles. But Vol- you know who wants to rule them. Thinking that by us having magic we're more superior." Ron explained

"Thats stupid! We're not!" Hermione protested.

"Exactly! But anyone who stands up to Vol- Him ends up dead. Until...Harry Potter came along. No one knows how, but Harry had the killing curse aimed right at him. But somehow the curse rebounded killing Him instead. Now, Harry is still the only known survivor of the Killing Curse. Thats what makes him famous." Molly explained.

Hermione sniggered, "how can a baby be the hero of the world?"

"He stopped Him for 13 years." Arthur frowned.

"What i find puzzling is that no one during these 13 years of peace ever thought of a way to finish Him off. You all waited for your hero to do that for you. Despicable! And you call yourselves his friiends." Hermione glared at the room shaking her head. "Hes just like you! Except he was orphaned as a damn baby!"

"I- we never thought of it like that."

"Of course you didnt! Because someone made you think you needed Harry. That same person is the reason why I am here and not your Hermione." Hermione crossed her arms.

"Why are you here?" Ron asked.

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