Chapter 23

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"It will all be ok, I promise."

Suddenly the door opened and in came Remus. "As promised." He handed Lily two crystal vials.

"Lupin, before you go. Who is Harrys favorite teacher?"

Remus smiled faintly, "me."

"The modest prize goes" Lily reied sarcastically.

"Ok it's Minerva."


I did not expect to feel like this....not at all. Especially with my new family.

Everything was fine, until...I had a bad flashback. Basically I fled from the classroom.

This is so embarrassing! Now I'm on break hiding in my bed. I don't care, I find it uneasy that all the teachers want to know me. Why would they? I'm just the natural magnet for trouble.

"Harry?" A deep voice asked.

I sighed, not replying.

"Did something happen in Lupins class today?" The voice continued.

I thought about hearing my mum beg to be killed to spare me. It's still disturbing even a few years later.

"We could do this all day, Potter. I have no where to be." Snape replied

"Your classes?"

"Taken care of."

I opened the curtains to find Snape staring at me. "I dont want to talk about it."

Snapes oynx eyes grew concerned but he didn't comment. "I know better than to dive into your mind. I won't earn your trust by invading your privacy."

"Thank you. For me, it's so weird...."

"What is?"

"All the friends I had are here, but...they are all younger than me. Do you think it's good thing to meet new people?"

"It can be. You wanted a fresh start, and now you have one."

"Im just....a bit insecure." I admitted. "I've had everyone back there using me."

"Then find a quiet friend in your year that barely pays attention. The quiet ones are usually the best. My Lily was like that." Snape advised.

" not so sure."

"Can you at least finish out the day? I know you are very smart. The students here appreciate that."

I snorted, "yeah, sure they do. Professor Lupin brought in a creature...and..." I trailed off.

"You had a bad flashback?" Snape asked

I nodded blushing slightly.

"Wallowing in bad memories won't help." Snape advised.

I sighed again, "I know."


"Hey there he is!" My roommate announced.

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