Chapter 14

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"Hermione, there you are!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Hello." Hermione smiled. She had no idea who the redhead is.

"I saw you with Ron. Tell me the details!" Ginny squealed.

"There are no details." Hermione smiled politely. She still had no idea what the other her saw in the moody redhead.

"Is something going on? One minute you are throwing yourself at Ron. The next youre avoiding him. Why?" Ginny asked.

"Um....." Hermione hesitated.

"Come on, we're best friends!" Ginny insisted.

No we aren't. Hermione thought to herself.
"Its just complicated."


"Hermione,I hadn't told them about my time at Hogwarts." I stated quickly.

My friends jaw dropped,  "nothing?! Not Umbridge? O-or the Sorcerers Stone?"

"Hermione....nows not the time." I cleared my throat.

"We have time to hear this." Mum crossed her arms.

"Ok then, where should I start?" I laughed nervously.

"You said you got into a lot of trouble, why?" Snape asked.

I released a short breath, "trouble always found me. Every year I had to solve a mystery to save Hogwarts. 1st year was the Sorcerers Stone created by Nicholas Flamel. Guiltily I assumed the other Snape was the one after the stone. Of course you ended up saving my arse, and not only that one time."

Mum and Snape exchanged horrified glances.

"You said every year? You were constantly in danger?!" Mum shrieked.

I nodded, "If I didn't solve those problems or put myself in danger, so many innocent people would have died."

"Its true, Ron and I accompanied Harry on every adventure. Although he usually had to face Voldemort himself." Hermione added.

"You did?!" Mum and Snape demanded in unison.

"Every year but Third." I replied.


"Every time I stopped Voldemort, I stopped his rise to power. He is-was a pure- blooded maniac hating muggleborns and Blood Traitors." I shook my head. "Why don't I extract a few memories of each year and you two can see hmmm? It will take too long to explain everything."

"Fair enough. But can you tell us who Umbridge is?" Snape asked.

I shuddered, "the evil psychotic bitch who sent the dementors after my Muggle cousin after and me. Almost resulting in me getting expelled last summer. She became the DADA teacher and...."

"She threatened to put Harry under the Cruciatus Curse. Tell them what else she did to you." Hermione urged.

"Hermione, no. I will provide that in my memories." I replied.

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