Chapter 18

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Mum took my hand and we apperated to Diagon Ally.

I moaned, "my stomach hurts!" I cried out 

"Sorry honey. I meant to warn you." Mum pulled out a small vial which I drank down.

Seconds later, the queasiness disappeared. "Thanks."

Together Mum and I roamed the stores picking up my supplies.

"Do you like Quidditch?"

I nodded, "But I'd rather not be on the house team. I want a quiet laid back year." I replied.

"And you deserve it."


"Now, you two be good on the train." I heard Mum tell my sisters.

I turned to Dad and Sirius. "I'll see you later." I smiled.

"You will! I'll be the Charms teacher." Sirius winked.

"Have a good term Harry." Dad hugged me before levitating my trunk onto the train.

"Wait, since I'm 15, does that mean I'm not affected by the Trace here?" I asked.

"Very possible. You're probably not registered yet. I'll do it." Dad stated 

"Ok, thanks."

"Wait! I meant to tell you the eye color changing charm needs to be renewed each week." Dad stated.

"Got it, I'll see you at Christmas."


I walked along the aisle of the train unsure where to sit. I heard several whispers at my back. I rolled my eyes, of course they have to whisper.

No one knows about me, and again I feel very alone. I stopped when I heard, "Harry over here!"

I doubled back to see Rose and Hermione sitting with an identical looking girl to Hermione. Must be Irene. I opened the door and sat down.


"No need to be shy with us." Hermione smiled. "Id like you to meet my twin sister, Irene."

Irene looked like a mirror image of Hermione, except the ends of her curls are dyed in neon pink and blue.

"You must be the boy who sent my sister to the other dimension. Mum was soo mad, so nice one." Irene winked.

"Uh.....not on purpose." I sputtered.

"Relax, only twisting your wand. Did you get sorted yet?" Irene asked.

"Yup, a true Gryffindor at heart." I smiled.

"Ah I see, like your dad." Irene smiled knowingly.

"You know James?" I couldnt help but ask 

"Everyone knows the Potter twins! Lily invented ingenious spells to help with magical pregnancies and James uncovered the truth about other dimensions!" Irene stated.

"I see."

The train ride continued on in cheerful talk.

"So tell me more about Neville Longbottom, is he a Gryffindor too?"

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