Chapter 4: Living with Snape

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I smiled nervously. Wow, I have two younger sisters. "What about school? Will I need to be resorted?"

Lily shook her head. "No, you will remain in your current House, unless you want to change."

I shook my head. "A Gryffindor through and through."

Lily beamed. "Just like your parents."

I blushed slightly. "I hope I didnt cause any problems between you and...Snape."

"You didnt, Severus is very acepting of you. Now rest up. Ill take you home by dinner time." Lily smiled before heading to her office.

A little while later, Sirius came into the hospital wing. "Hello Harry."

"Hi." I replied.

"Were we close, in your dimension I mean?" Sirius asked

"Not as close as we should have been. You were on the run after we had met and seeing you was pretty... impossible. But you made me feel loved more than anyone else had before." I replied.

"What happened, why was I on the run?" Sirius asked.

I shook my head. "No need, you're here now, as a teacher!"

"Very true. But still, I want to know." Sirius insisted

I sighed, "Bear in mind, its not yoyr life ok?"

Sirius nodded.

"You were thought to have betrayed Lily and James Potter to Voldemort. When it was Peter Pettigrew who sold my parents. You had them switch Secret-Keeper from you to Wormtail. 12 years you were in prison until you used Padfoots form to escape when you saw Peter on the shoulder of Ron Weasley. I had to see you be killed before my eyes about a week ago, back in my dimension." I explained.


"What is going on...Hello Padfoot." Lily smiled.

"I hope its ok I visit Harry?" Sirius asked.

"Apparently I named you godfather, of course its ok." Lily replied.

I smiled slightly. "Thanks."


After lying in bed most of the day, Lily finally deemed me better by releasing me. Im happy that her bedside manner is better than Pomfreys.

"Now, we will take the Floo to my home, are you ready?" Lily asked.

I gathered my trunk and nodded. "Yes."

"Prince Estate!" Lily announced throwing the powder down. I closed my eyes and tumbled out into a pair of strong arms.

"Careful there, my wife will kill me if you got hurt just moments outside her watch." A deep voice said sounding amused.

Feeling slightly dizzy, I looked up to see Snapes onyx eyes looking into mine. "Sorry sir." I mumbled.

Snape frowned slightly, the expression Im used to. Lily appeaered with a pop.

"Did he arrive alright my love?" Lily asked

"Almost fell out. But all is good here." Snape smiled. "Dinner time! Rose, Ivy!"

Lily took my thin hand in hers and lead me to the grand dinning room. I sat down between Rose and Lily at the medium sized round table.

The food was already there. "Who cooked Daddy, you or Dobby?" Ivy asked.

"Why dont you guess." A look of amusement flickered across his face.

"A challenge, I love it!" Rose grinned.

"Harry, what is your favorite subject?" Snape asked.

My mind was elsewhere, though. I knew most families werent like the Dursleys. I had the Weasleys to thank for that, but I always felt like an outcast.

Lily touched my hand and once again I flinched violently. "Sorry, what was the question.

"Favorite subject in school." Ivy frowned.

"DADA, definately." I replied.

"Brilliant, maybe you can help me." Rose suggested.

"The Trace?" I enquired.

"What trace?" Lily asked

"To detect underage magic." I answered.

Snape shook his head, "its only for those 13 and under. Here, Hogwarts is equivilant to Muggle high school. Theres primary school where younger witches and wizards can meet one another. You get your wand at 10, and are enrolled in primary school at 7."

"Thats different."

After dinner, Lily and Snape began a tour of the estate. They showed me the large kitchen, the den, family room. A Muggle movie screening room.

"I thought technology doesnt work around magic." I stated.

"It does here. Most magical people use laptops to help their work. Only Hogwarts remains old fashioned." Lily replied

"I have something to show you." Snape stated looking nervous. "Will you come with me?"

I looked at Lily nervously and she nodded. Encouraged by her, I followed Snape upstairs. "See here, this room here is mine and Lilys room. Next to us on the left is Ivys. On the right is your new room."

The man opened the door to reveal a four postered bed with Gryffindor themed curtians. A large desk sat in front of the celing to floor window. Along one wall was shelves filled with all the books to complete my education and then some. In a small corner, I saw a circular chair for reading. The walls were painted a calming burgandy.

"This is all mine?!" I asked in disbelief.

Snape chuckled in amusement, "yes Harry. All of this is for you."

My jaw dropped. How could the man that loathed now gave me a room in his home for me?! "Thank you, I dont know what to say. Im speechless!"

"Just put this room to good use. Thats all I ask. Lily and I expect you to do your best in school, but we are not expecting straight Es. At least an A minimum, ok?" Snape asked.

"That I can do."

"Good. Now, its almost bedtime." Snape replied.

I didnt bother to protest. I glanced at the clock on my new bedside. It read 8 30.

"Unless, you'd rather get to know Lily and I better." Snape offered.

I nodded sending him a shy smile.

"Ok. Come on. Lily like to be in the den around this time." Snape lead me back downstairs to where Lily was seated, her nose burried deep in a journal.

"Hello Sev." Her green eyes looked up and she smiled at me. "Harry."

"I offered for him to get to know us more. I know he doesnt know you in his dimension." Snape cleared his throat.

Lilys eyes turned sad. "Right, my poor boy." She moved towards me, but I still flinched. Lily then stopped in midair.

"Lets sit down then. We can tell you about ourselves." Snape offered.

I nodded avoiding both their eyes.

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