Chapter 12

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"What just happened?" Rose asked bewildered the minute Harry had left.

"Merlin Im stupid!" Lily yelled and left for the pair. She ran to tbe library and flung open the door.


I looked furious while Hermione began crying. Mum pulled out her wand and held it up to Hermiones throat.

"Lily?" Hermione asked nervously. .

"Shut it! I know you are not our Hermione. She never would have called my husband professor outside of school." Mum answered in a cold voice.

Hearing Mum speak that way made me cringe. "Im surprised you caught on so fast...actually im not." I remembered Sirius and Remus told me that my mother was the brightest witch of her age.

"Lily!" Snape came barging in and gasped at Mums wand aimed at Hermione. "Why are you threatening Hermione?"

"Its not the Hermione you know, but the one I know." I stated at once.

Hermione smirked. "Harry needs to return to set the world right."

"Like hell he will! Apparently that old man is a very minipulative person." Mum growled.

"You just figured this out? I owe your world, nothing. My parents are alive here, Im not famous and I can finally be who I am. Not someone everyone thinks I should be." I stated.

"Im stuck in this dimension for 24 hours since I arrived, then I will return with or without you." Hermione looked so sad.

I have no sympathy though. "You can see why I like this dimension so much. Hermione, you know your parents, I never did! Everyone who has died at the hands of Voldemort is alive here. Including Moaning Myrtle."

Hermiones jaw dropped. "What happened to him?"

"He was killed by his old teacher." I shrugged.

"Look, I understand why you want to stay and its obvious you are remaining here. Dumbledore - the one I left didnt like the answer Professor Snape gave him. As a last ditch attempt, he sent me. I agree, he is a conniving man. Ill just miss you so much!" Hermione exclaimed throwing herself into me.

"I have an idea." Snape stated. "But I will need James' help." 

Mum sighed, "ok if you think my arse of a brother can help, go ahead."

"Ill be back." Snape replied leaving.

Hermiones brown eyes widened, "Brother?"

"Twin actually, but we are fraternal. I got my mums looks while James has our dads." Mum answered.

"So what is Snapes idea here?" Hermione asked.

"So weird to hear him addressed as that." Mum shrugged. "I have no idea. When did yiu arrive?"

"About 5 minutes before Rose was to leave. Technically she is Harrys half sister right?" Hermione asked.

Mum nodded, "yes, no one needs to know whos Harrys biological father. He looks similiar to Sev, so that helps us."

"Sev?" Hermione asked.

"My nickname for him. You should say hi to your father, though." Mum smiled.

"Ok, I'll call him." Hermione answered.

Mum shook her head. "He is not who you think he is." Waving her wand, a beautiful doe errupted and floated out.

Seconds later, Sirius stepped out of the floo. "Hermione! Theres my girl! Aunt Lily told me you were here!

I had to stifle my laughter as Hermione took in Sirius as her father.

"Hi...Dad. I decided to join Rose home." Hermione answered.

Sirius sent Hermione a confused expression. "Ok, is she pulling my leg here?"

I sent Sirius a confused expression.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked confused.

"Hermione, I get youre trying to be romantic, but...smothering Rose is not the way to go with the Lilys daughter." Sirius shook his head.

Without warning, Hermione fainted.

"Merlin! Is she ok?!" Sirius yelped whipping out his wand.

"She will 23 hours." I sniggered.

"Did I miss something?" Sirius cocked his head.

"That is not the Hermione you know. Shes from my old dimension to get me to retun there." I sighed.

"When will my daughter return?" Sirius demanded.

"Wow Paddy, do you listen? Harry said in 23 hours." Mum chuckled shaking her head.

"I knew there was something different about her!" Sirius snapped his fingers.

"She said shed be leaving to my old dimension. She apparently loves Ron Weasley back in my world." I explained

"No wonder she fainted, its hard to keep your composure when your sexuality changes." Sirius sighed.

"Wait, is that accepted? Technically Rose and Hermione are...cousins I think." I stated.

"Everyone is related somehow when your a pureblood. The Potters are related to the Blacks by marriage." Sirius shrugged.

Hermione groaned seconds later, "Merlin, what happened?"

"You fainted when you were told you like witches." I sent my friend a crooked smile.

"Oh, Im sorry Sirius....Dad. Ok, thats weird." Hermione admitted.

"I agree." Sirius admitted

Moments later, the floo errupted and out came Snape. 

"Hermione, you said you'd miss Harry right?" Snape asked at once.


"I brewed this potion to put a thought into your mind that will spread to whomever you come into contact." Snape explained.

"And what will that thought be?" Hermione asked.

"Harry Potter is dead." Snape replied.

Hermione nodded grimly. "I understand."

"Since you are stuck here for 23 more hours, why dont you stay with us?" Mum asked. "Is that ok Sirius?"

"Sure, its not my daughter at the moment." Sirius shrugged.

"Whats going on here?" Rose came into the room. "Uncle Paddy!"

"Rosie!" Sirius grinned hugging the girl.

"Rose, Hermione will be staying with us for a bit." Mum stated.

Roses eyes widened, "oh, I see."

"Rose... Im sorry that I was a bit cold..." Hermione began.

"A bit? Youre playing with my emotions! One minute you admit you fancy me, the next, you act like you dont know me!" Rose exclaimed.

"She doesnt, Rose." I stated

Rose whipped around to face me. "What?"

"Im sorry, this isnt your girlfriend or whatever you two are, its my old friend from my orriginal dimension. Your Hermione will return tomorrow afternoon." I explained.

"Where is our Hermione?" Rose asked at once.

"She might be in my dimension...but I dont know." I shrugged.

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