Chapter 22

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Ron shrugged, "you look lonely."

I sighed, "I'm fine." I really hated holding this Ron to my old Ron. But I've already have been used once.

"I heard the rumors. Are you really James Potters son?"

I held in a sigh, and nodded. "Mum didn't tell me until she got transfered to the States."

"Ooh, that's hard." Ron sympathized
I nodded nimbly. How can I talk to him?

"I gotta go."

I left quickly and retreated to my dormitory where I lay reading my textbooks. Over the summer, I took a leaf out of Hermiones book by reading all my textbooks. However, unlike her, I'm not going to brag about my brains.

I sighed longingly, will anyone want to be my friend? Or am I going to be used for my brains?


"So, what are your marks?" Levi asked after a grueling Transfiguration exam.

I blushed, I'm like Mum and Dad, great at potions, Transfiguration and DADA. "Whats yours?"

"Ugh, I got an A-. That was do hard."

"Oh." I folded up my exam.

"Potter here is the only one to recieve a perfect score!" McGonagall announced

Levi's jaw dropped. "You never told me you were a prodigy!"

"Im not. At least I wasn't in the past. I was preoccupied with extra circulars." Like saving the world numerous times.

"Krep this up, and the teachers will name you an extra Prefect."

"They cam do that?!"


"So, tell me about you. Who is your favorite teacher? Or subject?"

"Potoms and Flitwhick. You?"

"McGonagall and DADA."

"I heard you can cast a patronus, is that true?"

I shifted, "yes. My old school was guarded by dementors one year."

Levi shuddered. "Let me guess, a traumatizing past?"

I nodded.

"I get that. My mum got really sick a few years ago. My dad became withdrawn.... anyway it was really dark. But thanks to Mr. Flamel, she got healed."

"Flamel? As in Nicholas?" I asked

"Yes, he created the Sorcerers Stone. It turns any metal into pure gold, produces the elixir of life and provides a cure for any malady. Magical or Muggle." Levi explained.

"So your mum got cured?"

Levi nodded. "Im so grateful. She is also Immortal now. By drinking the healing elixir she's been granted immortality."


"Yea I don't know why. But something is telling me that I can trust you." Levi stated

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