Chapter 5

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"Lily here is the brightest witch of her age." Snape smiled at her causing the woman to blush. "It is true. Lily and I grew up as neighbors. It wasnt till I was 10 that I approached her. She was spending time with her Muggle friend, Petunia."

My head snapped up, "Dont you have any siblings?"

Lily made a face, "yes, James Potter."

My jaw dropped. "What is your status then? Not trying to offend though." I added hastily.

"Not at all. Im a pureblood. My father is Charles and my mother is Jamie Potter." Lily replied.

My head was spinning.

"I didnt have any siblings though, only child to Eileen Prince and Tobias Snape. It wasnt till I was 16, that the Potters took me in. They did the same for Black being he was Sirius' best fiend and I am Lily's. All four of us thought they'd die due to dragon pox. Luckily the Potters survived. My father died a long time ago as did my mother. We inherited her familys ancestral house, this one in fact. While James and Sirius occupy Black Manor and Potters Abode." Snape explained.

"Whoa, ok."

"Why dont you tell us more about yourself?" Snape asked.

I froze, no not happening. I dont want to risk getting close to either of them in case I get sent back. I shook my head. "What if Im sent back?" I whispered.

Snape sighed, "James works at the Ministry as an Unspeakable, and trust me. You will not be sent back."

I sighed and nodded. "Thats reassuring."

"You said you were 15, right? Tell us about your school times. We will tell you ours." Lily stated.

"You first." I smiled shyly.

Lily and Snape shrugged and plunged into their account of Hogwarts. I only wished my time at the school could be the same.

I began to yawn at the end of their third story.

"Time for bed Harry." Lily stated.

I nodded sleepily and went up the stairs to my room. When I laid down, I felt for once that everything was going to be ok.

Suddenly I found myself in the graveyard again. My mind was wiped blank of all thought, only to be replaced with fear.

"Kill the spare!"  A cold snake voice demanded.

"No!" I yelled when the geen flash of light hit Cedric.

Suddenly I felt arms around me, no! "Let me go, Pettigrew! I saved your pathetic life and this is how you repay me?!" I yelled struggling against the arms.

"Harry!" A woman called faintly.

"No!" I screamed

"Lily, you have to get him awake." A deep voice said faintly.

"Harry, sweetie, its time to wake up." A woman pleaded.

All I saw was Wormtail binding me to the statue while he cut my arm.

"No, please let it drown." I mumbled.


Lily and Severus were happy to see that Harry fell asleep quickly. But not 10 minutes later, they heard Harry screaming.


Exchanging a single glance, the parents grabbed their wands and burst into Harrys room.

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