Chapter 8

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"Ok, let it go then." I smiled shyly.

James threw the Snitch into the air, while Sirius brought out his wand, "make a few obstacles for you."

I smiled at that, its not Quittich without bludgers.

"Ok, in 3...2...1..go!" James announced.

I kicked off the floor and soared around the room. I caught sight of the Snitch, but a bludger came and almost hit me in the arm. I swerved out of there in time.

"Nice one!" James roared from the stands.

I looked around for the small golden ball, but it was gone. I flew a lap around the pitch and saw it again. This time, I closed in on it. I gripped the Snitch tightly.

"Impressive, less than 5 minutes! He is as good as you Prongs, or maybe even better." Sirius stated.

"Can you two still transform into animals?" I asked when I landed.

Before my eyes, James and Sitius morphed intona stag and large dog.


The two men morphed back. "How do you know about that?"

"Remus told me when I was 13." I replied.

"Good ol Moony." Sirius stated.

"So Sirius what do you do?" I asked.

"Im to be charms teacher, while James is an Unspeakable. Hes in the Department of Mysteries." Sirius explained

I supressed a shiver. "I hate that bloody place."

"How do...oh, right." Sirius quickly corrected himself.

"What did I miss Paddy?" James asked looking concerned.

"Harry had to witness me die in his dinension about 2 weeks ago?" Sirius looked to me. I nodded quickly.

James gasped, "My poor boy!"

I smiled slightly, "Im glad that I came here, though."

"So are we." Sirius smiled.

Prince Estate

"Since the girls are entertaining themselves, lets talk about Harry." Lily came to sit next to her husband.

"What about him?"

"Earlier today, when Harry left for some privacy, I heard him yelling as if to someone. But, no one was there." Lily explained.

Snape rubbed his chin, "someone could have been invading his mind."

"When I met him, Harry said you taught him Occulamency to keep others out. I mean the you from his dimension." Lily blushed.

Snape sighed, "its obvious the boy is terrified of me. And hes anything but an open book."

"Are you ok with Harry? Its sick to say hes the product of my brother and me." Lily shuddered.

"Of course I am. He is the product of another Lily and James Potters. Not the ones I know here." Snape smiled.

"What are we going to do about him?" Lily sighed.

"If you are dead in his dimension...oh Merlin Im thick." Snape groaned.

"Huh?" Lilys green eyes widened.

"The other me must have been very hateful to him." Snape cringed.

"Shush, that is not you. You are amazing with kids, yours and your students." Lily kissed Snape.

"Thanks Lily."

Black Manor

"How did you get so good at Quidditch?" Sirius asked me.

I shrugged, "Dunno. I picked up a broom in my first flying lesson and took off. Madam Hooch was so impressed, she reccommended me for the Quidditch team."

"What did you do?" James sent me a sly smile.

"I caught a Remembrall in the midst of a 50 foot dive." I chuckled sheepishly.

"Whoa! Had you ever been on a flying broom before?" Sirius whistled.

"No, Ive had a different experience with brooms." I blushed slightly.

"Hmmm...I understand. Who were Petunia and Vernon Dursley? I know them as my sisters Muggle friends. "

"They were my aunt and uncle, and they were Muggles. Lily Potter in my dimension was known first as Lily Evens, younger sister to Petunia Evens." I sighed.

"Are they the reason you appeared here so..."

"Scarred?" I asked. "They are."

James and Sirius gasped as one.

"Harry, how well did you know me in your dimension?" Sirius asked.

"Not the greatest. I knew you two years, but you were on the run. I know your family disowned you for being the first Black to be sorted into Gryffindor, and that Regulus became a Death Eater..." I trailed off.

"Not here. Regulus lives in America, but he comes back to visit." Sirius stated.

"Oh, thats good to hear." I stated at once.

"Harry, how were your years at Hogwarts?" James asked

"Adventerous. There wasnt one year where I didnt have to solve a mystery to save the school." I said casually.

Both men stared at me in shock. "What?!"

I laughed, "Im kidding."


I returned to Prince Estate to find Lily and Snape reading on the couch.


Lily looked up and smiled at me, "Hi Harry. Did you have a good time with your father and Sirius?"

I nodded. "Did I miss dinner?"

Lily shook her head, "dinner should be ready soon."

I nodded. "Ill ve in my room, reading if anyone needs me." When I came in, I once again got attcked by an intruder.


"No, go away!" I snarled. I wanted to curse my dimension Dumbledore into oblivion.

"I can not. Wherever you are, it isnt real. Now come back to us."

"Ill talk to my father so he can close the interdimension communication, permenantly." I growled. "Im happy, know that concept, you....puppetmaster!"

"Be warned we will come to get you."

"Doubt it. Dimension travel is banned. I slipped through because your world has no benifits for me. You conniving snake."

"I am begging you to return."

"Read my lips; forget it."

I came out of my mindscape and cast my patronus. "Uh....James? Can you close the connection between the dimensions? And please dont tell Mum."

"Dinnertime!" Snape sang.

My eyes widened, never have i heard Snape sing.

While everyone chatted, my mind is eleswhere. Worrying and hoping Dad can seal the communication.

Suddenly a silver stag appeared, "It is done Harry. Want to hear more about that later."

I sighed in relief. "Thank Merlin!"

"What did you ask James to do ?"

"Seal the veil between the dimensions. Ive been getting...nevermind." I ducked my head.

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