Chapter 11

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Sev was surprised that when he came into Harrys room; the boy was sitting on his bed, still as a statue. Sev knew he had to be in his mindscape, but why would he even want to be there?

Sev tried to shake Harry out of it. "Harry!" But no response.


Now that my true Mum gave me the knowledge I needed, I have to rely the message to my dimension Dumbledore.

Until a presence came into my mind, "Harry?"

I huffed seeing Snape in my mind. "Lo"

"What are you doing..." Snapes voice was cut off by the same voice, but this one is full of hatred. "Potter!"

At last my dimension Snape and this dimension Snape are meeting.

The two Snapes stared at one another. "You are me?!" The  Snape across from me asked.

"Yes, I am. But you look so tired and worn out." Nice Snape replied.

"We are working to retrieve Potter here." Snarky Snape replied.

"No, I only came here to tell you....I am not tethered to Voldemort anymore and anyone can find his objects and kill him. I am no longer needed in your dimension. As soon as I find a way to seal off this mental interdimensional communication, you will never be able to contact me." I snarled.

"Always wanting things your way, just like your father." Snarky Snape spat.

"Im confused, why do you hate him so much?" Nice Snape asked.

"Hes the son of James Potter, the biggest bully in the school back in my day. And Lily...she died protecting this...swine." Snarky Snape growled.

"I am you... A different version. But here, I am married to Lily Potter, am great friends with Pot- James and all his friends. They welcomed me after I told about my horrible upbringing." Nice Snape explained.


"Is already dead. Slughorn killed him off when he relized what the madman was up to." Nice Snape replied.

"Are you happy in this place?" Snarky Snape asked.

"I am, I have friends, a wife, two girls and students who adore me." Nice Snape replied.

"Can we get each others memories, please?" Snarky Snape begged.

"Ok." The two Snapes grasped hands and murmered a spell I never heard.

After a few seconds, the Snapes swapped expressions. The  Snape I knew looked happier, and this dimension Snape looked so depressed.

"My Merlin! No wonder you were afraid of me!" The Snape next to me exclaimed.

"I see...well I will tell Dumbledore and we will not come get you. Thank you Potter...and me." Snarky Snape replied and left.

I left my mindscape taking Snape with me. "Now do you understand?"

"Seriously boys! What is taking so long?" Mum asked coming into the room. She gasped when she saw Snape look so depressed and worn down. "Sev what happened to you?!"

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