Chapter 17

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"What am I doing here Lily?" Hermione asked.

"Do you remember what happened?" Mum asked

"Yes, I was waving goodbye to Rose when I appeared at #12 but it was dingy grey. I was in another dimension." Hermione gasped, "Dad! Can I contact him, please?!"

"Of course Hermione." Mum replied summoning her doe.

"Mum, I got it." I smiled summoning my silver stag.

"Hello and you are?" Hermione turned to me.

"Harry Potter and the reason why you dimension traveled to begin with. Sorry. My Dumbledore..."

"I know Harry. Its so great to meet you. I'm so happy you're here for good." Hermione startled me by pulling me in for a hug.

"So, you know me, eh?" I chuckled.

"The Weasleys miss you." Hermione replied.

"They stole from me." I murdered darkly. "They wanted me back so I could save them."

"I know, I told them all off." Hermione smirked.

"Ooh I would have loved to see that." I smiled. "Are you 13?"

"I am, are you 15?"


Suddenly Sirius emerged from the floo. "Hermione? Is it really you?!"

Hermione ran to Sirius and hugged him tightly. "Look at my eyes, Dad. Its me."

"Im so glad you're back! Andy and Irene were worried." Sirius answered.

"Oh speaking of, sorry Lily. But I need to get home now, or Mum will blow her top." Hermione blushed.

"Go ahead Hermione. We'll see you soon." Mum smiled.

Hermione walked into the floo and vanished.

"Um...Harry want to come spend some time with James and me?" Sirius asked.

"Can I Mum?"

"Sure you can. You need a break" Mum kissed my head.

"Thanks Mum!"


"Sirius where did you go?" James asked when the man returned.

"I was told Hermione had finally returned. Also I invited Harry to spend some time with us." Sirius answered.

"How are you, Harry?" James asked.

"Tired of people using me." I mumbled.

"Why do you say that?"

"Lets just say, I am very happy to leave my past where it belongs." I replied.

"Ok. Want to elaborate?" James asked.

Before I could say anything, Mum appeared. "Can I talk to you a minute, James?"

"Sure thing, sis." James took Mum aside.

After a few minutes Mum left us alone.

"Lily gave me your memories and insisted that as your father, I watch them." James stated.

I sighed heavily, "wait, I owe you a few more." I quickly extracted a couple more memories and added them to the flask James had out.

"Ill be back. Sirius honey, can you entertain Harry?" James asked before leaving the room.

"Of course." Sirius them looked at me. "Whats wrong?"

"Ah, nothing....yet. Hermione-my Hermione insisted I tell Mum and Snape about my time at Hogwarts.." I trailed off.

"Relax, if anything, James will congragulate you for all the mischief you caused. I bet you only got caught a few times eh?" Sirius grinned.

"I got a few detentions." I grinned.

"See? Mischief managed! Oh, and we owe you the Marauders Map." Sirius flicked his wand and the map came soaring through the air.

"As nice as this is, I brought a copy from my dimension. What about passing it onto Irene, Hermione or my sisters?" I asked.

"All of them already have a copy, but only Irene uses it. She is the only prankster child I ever made. Don't tell Andy this, but Im glad she ended up in Hufflepuff. Irene's specialty is traps of any and all kinds." Sirius explained.

"Who does she target the most?" I asked

"McGonagall, and Sprout. But of course they have their own pranks up their sleeves." Sirius smirked.

"McGonagall has a pranking streak?! She never did where I came from. And, I never got to know Sprout the greatest." I reflected.

"You will this coming year. All the teachers love to know their students." Sirius replied.

"When will you be the Charms professor?" I asked.

"Next year." Sirius smiled



"Ever since I was 11, I was told constantly how I look just like my fathet but with Mums eyes. When I go to Hogwarts, the students will know I don't look like a Snape." I groaned.

"We'll think of something." Sirius reassured me. "We could just make your hair lie flat."

I snorted, "Tried and failed all my life to get my hair to lie flat. What happened with you and Andy? I thought you were cousins?" I asked.

"We are, but when I accidentally shagged her, I also cast a charm that stopped any incest problems." Sirius explained.

"Um....ok then. I knew a little about that with the purebloods, but not much." I mumbled.

My father returned moments later looking worn out. "Are you ok?" I asked concerned.

James nodded, "Merlin Harry! The Marauders applaud you. You definitely have the blood of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor!"


"My dads a direct decendant of Gryffindor while my mum is a decendant of Ravenclaw. I got more of the Gryffindor traits while Lily got Ravenclaws. You are my only biological kid. You look worried, whats on your mind?"

I sighed, "I was wondering when I go to Hogwarts, can I change my eyes to hazel like yours?"

James' eyes widened, "you are afraid that your linage will be revealed?"

I nodded, "In my orriginal dimension everyone always said I had my mums eyes."

"I get it, really I do. We'll keep your name as is. I will alert Lily about it later. Wanna fly?"

"Oh yeah I do Dad!" I beamed.

The rest of the summer passed with me dividing my time between Mum and Dads houses. I got a bit closer to Snape and my orriginal weariness of him has slowly disappeared.

The start of the school term creeped upon me. "Harry dear, we need to get your supplies. Dumbledore sent us your list, you wanna come?"

"Sure Mum. I uh....hope its ok for me to change my eye color." I stated.

"Oh, you want to be Harry Potter. I see." Mum stated.

"I look like my dad.  I am a carbon copy of him, except for his eyes." I replied.

"No, I understand. We dont want it getting out that your parents are twins here." Mum shuddered. She raised her wand and pointed it at my eyes. "There, they are James' color."

"Thanks Mum.

"No problem."

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