Chapter 6

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Lily was in a state of shock. "How did you?"

I smiled, "Cooking has always been the one chore I enjoyed. So this is all for you." I replied as Rose and Ivy came down.

Immediately the girls dug in. "Whoa, Daddy, this is delicious!" Ivy exclaimed with syrup on her mouth.

Snape chuckled. "Im glad you think so, but Harry is the one who made breakfast here."

"He is?! Harry, can you teach me how to cook, please?!" Rose asked.

Her round black eyes were so genuine. "Of course I will."

After we had all eaten, Snape and Lily arranged for me to retake my OWLS exam. "Im sorry, Harry. We need to be sure you can attend NEWT classes. We will arrange for them in a week so you can study."

"Oh, right." I grimaced. I was never the bookish type, that was Hermiones area. I grew worried Id disappoint Lily or worse Snape.

Later that day, Lily came into my room with a written out schedule of each subject to review over the week.

"Thanks. Just so you know, I uh...dont do much book study. Mostly hands on studying." I blushed.

"Really? Why is that?"

Quick snippets of all the dangers I faced flashed through my mind. I supressed a shudder. "I dont know. But spells stick better when I use them."

Lily cocked her head. "Good to know. Have you tried nonverbal magic yet?"

I shook my head. "A friend was working on it though."

"In an hour is our family movie time. We sit in the cellar and watch a Muggle movie together. So take the stairs all the way down, ok?" Lily smiled.

"Sure thing." When Lily left, I went to my trunk and took out the photo album Hagrid gave me. I flipped through it and watched moving photos of James and Lily. My true parents.

After skimming through the fifth year charms book, I came down to the cellar to find Ivy and Rose lounging about. "Harry!"

I waved feeling shy. "Hi, what movie are we watching?"

"Actually Harry, you can pick." Snape replied coming into the room.

I shook my head. "I uh...dont know many movies."

Snape frowned, the normal look I get. "Girls, what movie?"

We ended up watching an adventerous one. I enjoyed it a lot.

"Harry, did you know me in your dimension?" Snapes voice startled me.

I nodded quickly. Flashes of his sneering face and his empty threats came into my mind. "I do. Lily knows that."

"Can you say why you're afraid of me?" Snape asked next.

Rose scoffed, "Dad, Harrys not afraid of you!"

"Yet his actions say otherwise." Snape mumbled.

"Why are you asking me, though? It doesnt matter." I shook my head fast.

"Your wrong, Harry." A woman inturrupted.

I lifted my head to see Lily coming into the room. "Why do you say that?"

The red head sat beside me and Ivy. "You live here now, you are a part of our family. Theres no need to be afraid of my husband. Hes a real softie when it comes to his kids." Lily winked.

I sent Lily a grimace, but remained silent. The subject dropped as the movie began. I didnt see the fun in it, so I dove into my memories of Ron and Hermione. Even though they pretended to be my friends, it felt nice to have them.

Suddenly a man appeared in my mindscape. "Potter!"

I yelled opening my eyes to find the Snapes all staring at me worried. "Sorry."

Lily shook her head. "Its no big deal here, Harry."

My insides turned to lead. Snape, my Snape contacted me,!

I quickly excused myself from the group and went upstairs. Then I locked my door and put up privacy wards. Then slowly, I drifted back into my mindscape.

There was my sneering irritated Snape. "Yes?" I asked

"Where in Merlin are you?!" He demanded.

"Im in a better place, and you are too. If you could see it." I replied

"What are you talking about?!" Snape demanded.

"You loved Lily Potter, I know. Im in a different dimension where you are married to my mother. Dont bother to convince me to return, I refuse. Tell old Dumbledore to find a new Savior, I never wanted the damn title, now leave me alone!" I hissed pushing the man out entirely.

I stayed in my mindscape some more before pulling out.

"Harry, please let me in!" A woman yelled.

Feeling puzzled, I opened the door to Lily. I cocked my head while she launched into an explaination. "I heard you yelling, are you ok?! You said something about my husband?!"

I sighed, "you already know that you and James are dead in my dimension. But you dont know that you died when I was 1 years old and...Snape was the reason why." As soon as Dumbledore told me the prophecy, I became hell bent on who tipped off Voldemort. I did some studying into mind reading, but no one knew that.

Lily gasped, "no."

"I come from a very twisted world." I replied.

"I figured, you are obviously afraid of Severus. I just wish I knew why." Lilys green eyes became sad.

I shook my head. "Its better that you dont know. I dont want to cause any problems."

Lily sighed,"you wont. Thats another version of my husband you are describing, so dont feel bad."

I sighed, "its hard not to."

"Come on, lets return downstairs." Lily offered.

I nodded and followed her, but I couldnt help thinking; how did my Snape find me?

"Are you ok, Harry?" Snape asked when the two of us returned. Ivy and Rose were still staring at the TV screen.

I nodded mutely then turned my attention back to the movie. Could I really stay in this dimension forever?
Everything I knew about the magical world has been turned upside down. Could I ever get used to this?

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