Chapter 10

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Over the next week, I became Hermione. I didnt talk to anyone, and shut myself in my room with my books. I wanted to make my parents here proud of me. I never had anyone to impress in the past, so mediocore was fine for me.

I especially read up on potions, since Im in the dungeon bats home, he could easily kick me out if I dared to get less than an Acceptable.

I know its not fair of me to treat this new Snape like the Snape I left, but I had to stay focused on my OWL remake exams. I find it very hard to look at my mothers husband and not see that sneering dark man who belittled me and always badmouthed my father. The old version of Snape is way worse than Aunt Marge any day.

Besides its not like I'll ever show the man why I instantly hate his guts. Its easier to shut myself away. I know James sealed the gateway between dimensions, but I had to close my mind to interdimension communication. And that. I see after reading about it takes time, energy and concentration.


After I had taken my OWLs, Mum and Snape seemed to have relaxed somewhat.

"Harry?" Mum called when I came home.


"I sense your still a bit tense. Whats wrong?" Snape asked

"Nothing is wrong, I've never able to relax in the past." I mumbled.

"Why is that?" A single eyebrow went up. I looked up to see Mum and Snape both staring at me.

"You both know I was in care of Petunia, your bitter Muggle sister from my dimension. She.....hated me with a passion. So to remain somewhat ok, I constantly kept my guard up." I sighed uneasily.

Mum and Snape looked uneasy.

"Harry, my upbringing was terrible too." Snape admitted.

"How so?"

"My father beat my mother and me for having magic." Snape replied then fixed his eyes on me. "The same thing has happened to you."

"Excuse me?" I thought I had the mental wall up!

"Your defenses are finally coming down. Petunia did to you what was done to me for the same reasons." Snape declared.

"Oh Harry, my poor boy!" Mum gasped.

"How did you get that from me? I had my walls up." I replied annoyed.

"Your mental walls arent strong enough to keep a out a Master of Legilimens out, like me." Snape replied looking a bit amused.

I wanted to snap at the man, but then a thought occured to me, "who taught you legilimency?"

Snape exchanged a look with my mother, "Dumbledore of course."

"Then I need to get reading." I replied.


"Yes Mum?"

"We really need to talk soon about your old dimension and what brought you here." Mum looked uneasy.

"I know and we will. But, I need to get something done first." I sent her a small smile.

"Ok, I can live with that." Mum replied but i knew she didnt want to wait.

I returned to my room and looked about for mind magic. I know theres information that exists about interdimensional communication. Otherwise how could my sneering Snape and minipulating Dumbledore talk to me?

But after looking for the right book, there is none!

I had to do the next best thing, contact my Snape and have him see his own happy self here and then maybe he can understand why i wont want to return.


"Im worried about Harry." Lily stated.

Sev sighed, "I know, hes anything but an open book."

"I asked him if hed let me see his memories and all he did was hesitate." Lily stated.

"Of course he would! Lily remember Harry did not know you. He seems to loathe me, but he seems happy when hes with James and Sirius." Sev shrugged.

"I wish we could know his adventures at Hogwarts." Lily said wistfully.

"I know, me too."


In order to get into my mindscape, I have to meditate. After two minutes of deep breathing, I was there looking about.

"Harry?" A womans voice called out.

I turned to see a woman with red hair and my eyes. "Mum? Is it really you?"

The woman nodded and I ran to her. "Its me, Harry."

"How are you here? Why-"

"Shh, we have a limited amount of time here. All you nedd to know is that you are in this new world permenantly. It is a reward for all you have done in your old dimension." My real mum answered.

"Its about bloody time." I snorted.

Mum nodded. "But I came here to give you vital information about your old dimension...and the change in you."

"Me? How did I change?"

"Have you tried speaking parcetongue here?" Mum asked.

"N-no. Are you saying i lost that ability?!" I couldnt help but feel excited.

Mum nodded. "When you came through dimensions, the part of Voldemort you had was destroyed. Here," she waved her hand and a flask appeared.

"What is this?"

"Memories and knowledge of your previous dimension. I dont like giving this to you, but talk to the other me here and...apparently Sev about it. They can help you. All you have to do is drink it." Mum hugged me tight and began to disappear.

"Dont go!"

"Im sorry sweetie, I have to. I came here to give you knowledge. Before you leave, drink it up." Mum waved before she was gone.

I sighed, "it must be really bad for my mother to suggest I talk to her and Snape." I opened the flask and drank it down.

I gasped in surprise, I was harboring a piece of Voldemorts soul?!

"Harry?" A voice called out from far away. "Harry?"


Sev was getting worried, he had called Harry down for lunch, but there had been no reply. Lily had insisted that Sev go check on him.

"Harry?" Sev knocked on the teens closed door. No answer. He had no choice but to enter, and he did so by flicking his wand so the door opened.

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