Chapter 3: Healing

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I was surprised to not see Madam Pomfrey in the wing. "Where is the nurse?"

"Thats me." Lily replied

My eyes widened drastically. "You are?!"

"Yes. Now, Rose is 13." Lily pointed to the red haired girl. "Ivy is 11." She then pointed to the black haired girl.

I nodded while Lily took a scan of me. She tried hard to hide her expression but I saw it.

"Lily?" Snape whispered.

"Sev, come with me, please." I saw Lily pull Snape aside. His black unfeeling eyes grew concerned and he left after the couple exchanged a few a words.

The two girls, Rose and Ivy looked at me curiously. "Hello."

I nodded, but didnt speak.


"Severus, Im so sorry!" Lily exclaimed as tears began to stream down her face.

"Lily, its ok. That was another you. If you want to welcome Harry into our family, you know Im fine with it. Prince Manor has plenty of room." Severus replied hugging his wife tightly.

"I need to talk with James. Maybe you can strike up conversation with Harry, get to know him." Lily brightened.

"Ok. I will try." Severus answered. "Then I will get the potions for Harry."


Rose and Ivy were trying to engage me in conversation. But I wasnt in the mood, I was nervous about where Id stay until Lily or James sent me back to my dimension.

Snape came up to the bed. "Hello Harry." He smiled at me, he never truely smiles at me.

"Hello sir." I mumbled.

"What were you doing before you came here?" Snape asked.

"Ran away from the lousy Muggles." I replied.

"Petunia?" Snape cocked his head.

I nodded once and was surprised at seeing the cold man look at me worried.

"Excuse me, I need to get the potions for your care." Snape touched my hand briefly causing me to flinch violently. Regret flashed through his onyx eyes but he continued walking away.

"Dad!" Ivy whinned.

Snape stopped and came up to the young girl. "Yes?"

"Are we going home, or staying here?" Ivy asked.

"Maybe Sirius can take you home." Snape ruffled her hair affectionately.

"I'm ok, Dad."

"Rose, stay with your brother." Snape added before finally leaving.

"How old are you, Harry?" Rose asked

"15. Just finished my 5th year." I replied.

The moment was broken when James and Sirius came in. "Harry is it true I named old Padfoot your godfather?"

I nodded.

"Told you honey!" Sirius released his bark laugh.

"No one likes a braggart." James rolled his eyes.

I wanted so badly to say what was on my mind, but Snape returned with a bag full of vials.

"Please drink these, Harry."

I avoided the mans eye and looked at the potions warily. Of course Snape has saved my life on multiple accounts, but I couldnt help but be wary of the man.

"It's a potion that relaxes your muscles. Then your mother can work on healing you." Snape replied

"Thanks Snape, for healing my son." James smiled.

"No problem, Potter." Snape nodded.

"How, I thought you both hated each other. I mean you my dimesnsion." I stated avoiding everyones eye.

James smiled at me, "we did. Until..."

"Snape comes up to us one day and says...." Sirius cut across.


"Potter, Black I am sick of the hell you put me through!" Snape snarled.

All the students were getting out of their last OWLS exam, and Snape had enough of this childish behavior.

"Are you asking for more?" James smirked.

Desperately, Snape grabbed their hands and lead them somplace private. "Listen, I refuse to take this. My father beats my mother and me just because we have magic. All I ask is for a break from the abuse. Im not asking for much."

James and Sirius were shocked. "You have to get out of there Snape. Come on, lets tell McGonagall."

End of flashback.

My jaw was almost on the floor. "What happened?"

"Minerva became my guardian and I never had to return to Spinners End. Black and Potter eased up on me, and over time we all started to respect one another. After I graduated Hogwarts, Minerva helped me enroll in a Univerity for teaching Potions. I got my teaching degree in half the time." Snape explained.

"Impressive." I replied as Lily returned.

"Now excuse us. Severus, do you mind taking the girls home?" Lily asked

"Not at all. You will keep me posted?" Snape asked.

"You know I will." Lily smiled. The two shared a brief snog before Snape beckoned his daughters to the fireplace.

"Excuse us, Mauraders."

James and Sirius left, leaving me alone with Lily.


I looked into her eyes, identical to mine. "Yes?"

"I saw you were wary of my husband. Can you tell me why?" Lily asked.

"My uncle tells me not to talk." I replied automatically. Since its summer, I reverted to that quiet slave Vernon loved or despised.

"Petunias husband?" Lily gasped ehile I nodded. "You are not there anymore, so please, tell your mother." Lily stated while gripping my hand. Her green eyes turned sad when I flinched violently.

"Its nothing. Where do you want me to stay? With you or James?" I asked.

"Since James and I arent together, you can choose." Lily replied.

I looked at her shocked. "Im used to being told, not choosing. Id like to know you both better. Is there a way to divide the time between you two?"

Lily nodded. "There is." Silence fell upon the room while Lily went about healing my injuries, the seen and unseen.

"All done sweetie. Now, can you tell me why you are afraid of Sev?" Lily asked

At those words, my mind flashed to all the times Snape badmouthed my father to me. All the threats he hissed about my fame and lack of talent. I shook my head quickly.

"I see. I hope there comes a day where you will tell me." Lily sighed.

"What will happen now?" I asked.

"After some rest, I will take you home." Lily smiled.

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