Author's Note

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Hello everyone, I hope you all are staying safe and keeping yourself healthy. I just wanted to come on here and let everyone know why I haven't posted in such a long time. I know this is going to sound like excuses but I kinda wanted to let you guys know. So here's what has happened:
1.) my grandmother who lives with me is showing signs of  Alzheimer's. On top of that her hearing isn't working she doesn't hear like normal all she hears is graveled noises. It would sound like mumbling or barley talking at all.
2.) Both laptops I write on have just stopped working. I have taken them both to two different repair guys and both repairmen have said they have fixed them only for them not to be.

I didn't write that to make anyone feel bad for me. I just wanted to let y'all know what was going on. Like I said before I'm trying to get the post up and get to writing....but I hit another wall, some comments left me wondering was my story really all that good. It left me wanting to take down all my Hikaru stories. But I've come to slowly realize they I shouldn't let the few annoying bad comments out weigh all the positive comments. So I'm slowly getting back into the grove.

I ask that y'all just hang in there a little longer. I promise I am working on getting my laptop fixed I have an appointment with a guy that has fixed my friends computers and they haven't had a problem with theirs.

So fingers crossed this guy can fix my laptop, and if not I'll just work on the new update on my phone.

I've got a plan to revise The Other Sawamura, so that's going to be in the works also.

Since you have all been so patient with me I will tell you guys this. Seido will find out Hikaru is a girl, I have wrote that part (in a notebook (but its written)) and if you watched the anime closely I get you can guess when it happens. ^.^.  However, things are gonna snow ball from there. I won't say if it would be a good snowball or a bad, you'll have to stick around to see.

Anyways, just wanted to drop in and leave that note. If you guys have any input to something you remember from The Other Sawamura that I need to look at when I revise it let me know.

But i do thank you all for sticking around. I can only hope the chapter coming up will live up to your expectations.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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