Souhei Yamazaki

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Name: Souhei Yamazaki

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Birthday: July 21

Looks: Short black hair and hazel eyes.  He has tan skin from his days of playing sports. He is a little bit taller than most kids his age, which is why most people think he is a little older than he really is. Souhei always wears comfortable clothes no matter what people think. Souhei believes if he likes them then it shouldn't matter what other people think.

Height: 5'8

Personality: Souhei isn't one to really show out during a game. He normally keeps to himself and rarely says anything unless asked to. Souhei loves to be outside and loves to take naps outside. He hates athletes who are full of their selves. Souhei loves baseball and can tell you anything you need to know. Souhei acts indifferent about situations, but he really cares. If Souhei sees someone trying their hardest then Souhei will help them. If Souhei gets overly bored then he will tune the world out. Souhei's parents are always busy doing other stuff and rarely have time to see their son. So Souhei is very independent. He is also a mild tactician when he is a play catcher.  Souhei also loves stealing Hikaru's beats to listen to Hikaru's music since he likes the same music Hikaru does.

Likes: Souhei loves sour things, he can't help it..he likes to see hard work paying off for people who work hard. He loves mysteries and Sherlock Holmes, and he loves to play baseball, and soccer.  He loves outdoors and taking naps under trees.

Dislikes: School, teachers, stuck up baseball players, broccoli, seeing his friends upset

Positions: Catcher and Center fielder

People Souhei likes: Michiyo (Micchy), Hikaru, Alex

People Souhei would love to beat up: Yuuta

Family: Souhei's parents are always busy but he has one sister

Kaori Yamazaki: Kaori is boy crazy and isn't afraid to glop any boy she thinks is cute. Kaori is in love with sports and she is the queen of basketball. She loves teasing her little brother, but can easily tell when he is upset. Kaori loves when Souhei brings over Hikaru and Alex.

Souhei can also speak English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese so him and Hikaru find themselves having conversations in different languages.

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