Hospital Visitors...and focus?

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I'm glad all of you guys are back to see Hikaru again:) Leave some comments:)  The video is the one that Alex shows Hikaru.

One week after the surgery Hikaru found herself watching Inashiro playing on Yuuta's computer.

'Che. Mei's pitching still looks great, but Harada's orders are a bit on the safe side...'Hikaru thought

Even though Hikaru was bed ridden for a good three weeks she wasn't going to stop training. If she couldn't train her physically she would train mentally. After all her talent was her Extreme Focus. While she was watching the game she didn't notice her room door open.


Hikaru looked over and saw a girl in a wheel chair. She had on a blue sundress and silver hair that was fixed into a side braid.

"Um...hello can I help you?"Hikaru asked

"Is that baseball?"She asked "Japanese baseball..."

"Yeah...The winners of the North side of Tokyo are going for it all."Hikaru replied

The girl stared down Hikaru while Hikaru in return stared right back.

"I'm Michiyo Inoue nice to meet you."Michiyo replied

"Oh, I'm Hikaru Sawamura nice to meet you also."Hikaru replied

About that time a man walked in with Dr. Howard.

"Ah, there you are Michiyo."The man said

"Ah Kirijo this is Mr. Sawamura Hikaru...he will join you in your therapy sessions soon. His surgery is complete and his leg is rebuilding the muscles in his leg and knee."Dr. Howard said

Hikaru used this time to size up this man Kirijo. To Hikaru he seemed like he was holding back a strong power.

"It's nice to meet you Hikaru. My name is Kirijo Inoue." Kirijo said then held his arm out to Michiyo "And this is my daughter Michiyo."

Hikaru and Michiyo watched as the two left the room. It was a while after they left when Michiyo turned back to Hikaru, who was surfing the web and asked:

"You're a girl why does everyone think you're a boy."

Hikaru stopped what she was doing and turned to the girl..

"How...-"Hikaru started

"You're body build is different from a boy, but right up there with a girl..."Michiyo said

Hikaru sighed then flopped back into her hospital bed.

"Ah, Micchy found out."Hikaru said

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