Michiyo Inoue

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Name: Inoue Michiyo

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Birthday: December 24

Looks: She has long hair that reaches her mid back and that is always in a high ponytail or a side braid (like Elsa from Frozen). Her hair color is interesting, to say the least. Her hair first comes out a deep rose red color before fading into a light red (NOT pink) and into silver starting at her shoulders and going up. The doctors found out that her body produces an mutated version of the chemical that controls hair color that gives her hair it's unique color. Her skin is a soft coffee tan, and her eyes are the same gold color as Eijun.

 Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110 lbs.

 Blood type: O

Personality: She is very calm and collected most of the time. She is pretty laid back about most things, but when it comes to injuries (especially sports injuries) or anything health related, she is as stern as a drill sergeant and 10x as scary. She is kinda blunt (a diluted version of Kuroko Tetsuya) but she wants what's best for her friends. She takes things in stride and nothing seems to faze her. She acts like an adorable toddler when she's sick though. Inwardly, she's very guilty for being a burden on people and wants to do her best to pay them all back. She just wants to be able to do things her way, but her parents are worried for her.

Likes: Michiyo likes recognition of any kind because she is starved for it, but she doesn't like the attention her hair and wheelchair (explained later) bring. She likes hanging out with Hikaru since she (and Michiyo knew immediately that Hikaru is a girl) always looks at her and not her hair or wheelchair. She loves butterflies because they are everything she needs to be. (Explained later) She also loves to cook and bake as well as ceramics and singing. She also loves watching sports games.

Dislikes: She hates being ignored or being looked down on for no good reason. She despises arrogance and is very annoyed with stupid, persistent questions. She hates the fact that people know her as a freak. She hates disappointment and embarrassment. She can't handle horror movies or rain. Talents: She has a critical eye for injuries. You can't hide anything from her. She also likes to observe people, letting her immediately know when someone is acting off for whatever reason. She has a soothing presence that tends to calm people down just by her being near. She has a boatload of patience and a photographic memory.

Medical condition: Michiyo is crippled, or at least she thinks she is. On the way to her first ever regional baseball game, Michiyo was in a horrible accident that injured her uncle and older brother that was in the car with her. It left her thinking she is crippled and her little brother amnesia. She also suffers from sleep apnea and bad seafood allergy.

Family: Inoue Kirijo (father) He is a very strong man who use to be a baseball player, but retired. Was a coach until his brother got into a car accident...Now he works with kids and sport injury rehabilitation. He used to be very laid back, but when his eldest son and younger brother were injured, he became very overbearing about injures.

 Inoue Aya (mother) She is a very stern woman that wants nothing more for her daughter to be perfect. She has a very sharp tongue that her daughter comments has never given her a compliment since she was 10. She is insistent that her daughter be beautiful, smart, graceful (as she can possibly be in a wheelchair), and most of all quiet. Aya works with her husband at the rehabilitation office. She is worried about her daughter and her daughters choice of friends.

Inoue Kazuo (younger brother) He is an angel on earth. He loves his sister to bits and is a little shy around strangers. He blushes easily and is very respectful and enthusiastic about life. He has a bubbly, curious nature that wasn't dampened when he lost all of his memories.

Inoue Kazushi (older brother) He was Michiyo's perfect brother. He was the captain of the tennis, soccer, and swimming teams in middle school and always encouraged his little sister to do her best and not try to mimic him. He has had the biggest impact on Michiyo's life with his quiet and observant nature. After being injured Kazushi found himself wanting to coach and help other kids. Michiyo mellowed greatly after his injury in honor of him. Kazushi hopes that Hikaru and the others can bring back his sister to how she use to be...

People Michiyo gets along with: Kazuo, Hikaru, and Yuuta (sometimes)

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