The Decision

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For some reason while writing this chapter I became in love with this song....and for some reason Hikaru and Seido came in my thoughts while listening to this song...anyways sorry for the crappiness of this chapter...its a filler chapter that will lead to the return...which is the next chapter btw:)

Leave me some comments please where I can see if you guys are happy with how this story is progressing and if your not leave some comments why:)

Hikaru waited patiently as Dr. Howard sat down in a chair in front of her.

"Well....I can tell you've been playing baseball recently..."Dr. Howard said

Hikaru didn't say anything.

"Your leg and knee have been healing well...however, I would say right now you are only at 85% usage of that leg. But, it seems you've been extremely hard on your body lately." Dr. Howard said

'More like Titan me has been.' Hikaru thought

"The results of your intense playing and practice you have done on your body has had a negative effect on your body. Instead of your leg and knee finishing the healing process it seems like it is going backwards. If you keep going like you are I'm afraid that you'll be looking at the worst possible scenario." Dr. Howard said

"What is this worst scenario?" Hikaru asked

"You really won't be able to play baseball any longer."

Hikaru was silent her mind reeling with thoughts....however, no matter what she thought of she knew she had to go back to Japan and play with Seido ASAP. Hikaru smirked she had already made her decision before all of this began...

"If you stop playing for a little while and start with light therapy we might be able to redo the damage...The damage done isn't too serious however-"Dr. Howard started

"Sorry, but I'm heading to Japan.....and I'm playing in the Fall Tournament. I'll make this my last tournament then..."Hikaru said

"Do you really have to play in the Fall Tournament in Japan? Why can't you wait just a little longer till the Summer Tournament?"

"I have to show them.....I have to show them what I've learned, and I have to stop him from leaving....anyways....just please give me the okay to play this last tournament....I can already tell after this tournament my knee won't be able to handle baseball any longer..."

Dr. Howard sighed then signed a piece of paper...

"Normally I wouldn't do this...but Yuuta said once you make up your mind you can't change it....and now I see what he's talking about..."Dr. Howard said "I'm okaying you to play, but I want you to visit Keigo periodically where he can check on the progress of the degeneration."

Hikaru nodded and took the sheet of paper sticking it in her backpack she had with her. While walking out of the office she noticed a red mustang parked in front of the office. Hikaru smirked when she saw who was standing there.

"Long time no see." The person said

"I thought you had went into hiding, Yuuta." Hikaru replied

Yuuta smiled then replied:

"Michiyo called me she said for me to meet her and the others at the mall. Something about a Titan makeover...wait why are all of your clothes so baggy?"

Hikaru looked down and saw what Yuuta was talking about. Hikaru had to steal a belt from Souhei this morning...and make an extra six holes to get her pants to stay up....She went from her normal 130lbs to a surprisingly 115lbs...and not only that she had grown from her normal 5'0ft to a shocking 5'4.

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